Large popularity is gaining rest at the cottage and on the homeland. But how to care for these plots of land, so that it is easy, ease? You will be able to take advantage of many garden tools. Which are at a very affordable price posted on the site Aliexpress. But in more detail about their characteristics before buying, you can in this article. Where the most described in detail Popular Garden Inventory Models And their features.
Spare parts catalog for garden tools
There are a number of equipment, without which you will not be able to do in the garden plot. But to order this technique and interchangeable spare parts for her to help you will Aliexpress And products from its catalog. Which is characterized by its price and quality. Popular spare parts for garden tools that you can order will be pre-divided by:
- Garden equipment, spare parts
- Garden tools, spare parts
- Garden inventory, spare parts
- Surgery, spare parts
- Garden and garden equipment, spare parts
But in more detail, which parts and inventory, you can view, compare and at any time convenient for you to order. You can read this article slightly lower.
Garden machinery
For lovers care for garden plot First of all, you will need a number of garden equipment, tools and inventory. Without them, neither a gardener amateur nor a professional will be able to work on the site. Some of them we all know very well and have long been familiar with.
- Shovels
- forks
- rake,
- watering can
- saw
- canvas
- cars.
But this is a list of tools and inventory, but what technique you can order to facilitate work. What will help you to work with the ground, for lawn care And directly their haircut. The whole technique only contributes to high-quality surface treatment and soil. And at the same time will quite accelerate the whole process several times.
All techniques can be initially divided into several types. The first is a grass technique. And directly in this group are Trimmers and lawn mowers. And they, in turn, share depending on the method of nutrition - it can be both gasoline and electric that they work directly from the network. But, for the simplest models of lawn mowers there are options for mechanical or even combined trimmers, such like brush cutters. And what about the simplest such technique as a hayflower, which will help you very quickly and remove the thick grass without any problems.
But in the second group includes such a technique, which will allow working on the garden or in the garden. And these are different models:
- cultivators
- motoblocks,
- brush cutters
- sprayers.
They will allow working with larger brancheson the bushes of trees, their removal and pruning. As well as minor work in the garden associated with fertilizers of all plantations.
And the last group is associated with economic work In the garden plot. It can be garden choppers. That perfectly recycle almost any garbage and leaving. They can still be called garden vacuum cleaners. But it is also impossible to do without concrete glasses or borants.
how to properly approach the choice of garden equipment
Depending on the the correctness of the choice of technology And its direct appointment, you can decide on the selection of this technique. The choice of which is very significant and huge. First of all, what, you need to pay attention - these are the dimensions of your site that you plan to process. But, as well as the amount of work that is planning to conduct. If you have a small garden plot for example, it is better to give preference to gasoline Lawn mowers. Otherwise, select the electrical model.
When choosing a cultivator or heavy motoblock Here you need to pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200byour land. Since the cultivator is suitable for everyday work, and the motor-block for processing large land plots.
If your garden has Many bushes, then select - Cruckese But, and if there is a hedge, you will need garden scissors. Depending on which surface prevails on your site - even terrain or there are many irregularities. It depends to choose the following technique, you better disappear lawn or a verticutter, aerator or just a trimmer.
For recycling branches and grass, select the corresponding model of the shredder. And for grass and leaves, cheaper models of choppers are suitable. In any case, before buying, consult with experts and directly with the seller of this product. They will help you correctly pick up any model of technology based on the amount of work you plan to perform.
Garden tools and inventory
How to do without different garden inventoryin the garden plot? It is almost impossible. And first of all, the garden tool should not only be reliable, but at the same time qualitatively perform their direct functions. This will all allow you to increase productivity on your garden plot, because it is also trying To achieve gardeners lovers Like professionals of their activities, directly. All garden equipment and inventory will only help speed up and at the same time facilitate your work. Save a lot of time and strength, and thus increase the time to rest and that will make it possible to work in the garden - a loved on time.
Let's try more consider in detailWhat tools and inventory you can help and how to choose it.
garden shovels
Every gardene knows what to have in his Arsenal he owes a shovel. But how to choose such that after work you did not have a spin? What should I pay attention to when choosing this inventory?
First of all, it Weight of the shovel. It should be optimal and in no way too hard. But the size should be selected directly on the basis of the height. And of course - the material, he should not rust in any case. It can be both stainless steel and aluminum alloy with the addition of titanium. The price of this model is slightly higher than usual, but it will last much more. And one of the features is that garden land will not stick to her.
If you Chose a shoveland its price is significantly lower than the average cost. Pay attention to the mount, sometimes apply weak screws. That, then it is better to give preference to the models of the shovel with a reliable rivet instead of the screw. If you choose a shovel for pumping the Earth, let your choice stop at the average value, it will speed up much and facilitates your work.
As for the elongated models blades near shovels This means that it is designed for earthworks. And it is not worth using it to resist the plot. Handle which is placed on the end of the cutting, serves for ease of storage no more.
This garden tool, It is possible to consider it irreplaceable and compare it with a shovel. They are ideal for popping of any land. And it will help to remove any soil weed. What, you need to pay attention when choosing a garden tool is directly teeth. They should be both thick and durable. And it depends on the direct, which soil will be processed. But relative to the cutting, you can choose it as well as for the ordinary garden shovel.
Teeth forms forms are facetedThey are suitable for harvesting and soil resistance. But for the fishing of onion crops, select forks having flat and wide teeth. For the transfer of manure, forks are suitable with large and frequent teeth.
rake garden
When choosing a robber,no need to save at cost. After all, if they are made of poor-quality material, they will eventually lose teeth over time, often it can be found in fan grabs. Since this inventory is designed to work and the upper layer of the Earth, it is still considered a classic soda tools. And as the basis take ordinary steel rakes. And if you wish to collect already bevelled grass, wooden rakes are suitable for you.
Fan rake There may be two options for nozzles, both metal and plastic. They will easily remove the garden garbage, leaves, and cured grass.
Moth in most cases has two types of nozzleswho are popular. These are rectangular and classic semicircular options. The tool itself is designed for soil loosening and directly for weeding weeds. But for more delicate work apply better trick.
Her honors From hoe There is its magnitude. After all, due to the fact that it is capable of pretty carefully remove the weed at the same time not to damage the growing plant, it is sometimes called the jewelry, garden tool. If you decide to order a plastic melting model, pay attention. What, because of its ease, it will not be able to penetrate the ground.
Small garden tools
If you prefer to spend pretty thin workin the garden plot. Consider such tools like:
- shoulder blades,
- scoops
- slippers,
- forks.
They look very attractive and affordable in price. And standing in front of the choice, weigh all the pros and cons of this product. Since sometimes more reliable tools made from stainless steel are suitable for work. What is very expensive and not so attractive in appearance, but rather effective. And it depends on the material from which import tools are made. After all, they sometimes can progress and even break from the hard globe of your site.
What you need to turn first when Order of the secret. This is certainly the presence of a spring, which will make it easy to make your work. And of course on the width of the capture of the secateurs, it should not be less than 22-23 mm. Make sure that there is no Plastics elements.Since the plastics and aluminum alloys are very fragile and unreliable. But it is better to choose a little expensive model made of Chrome coatings.
Customer Reviews Price - Quality
- Interesting blade at an interesting price. Everything works, it is screwed and fixed. Compass shows correctly within reasonable. Carving knobs sane, turns enough. All options for the position of the nozzle are fixed confident. The tool looks lightweight, but the main thing is its mainstream. They do not need to dig a substructure from a single camera, but if they suddenly happen to be in a situation where the shovel is required suddenly and outside the planned, then it is such a shovel that most of all will be fattening "just in case." The weight of the product in the case is only 360 grams. It can be taken with me even in such a goal, where the shovel is not theoretically useful, or it will be necessary very briefly. From improvements I suggest having a screw with a nut to replace aluminum riveting in the fastener of the bayonet. Aluminum will most likely steal with great efforts. I also recommend to slaughter the shovel itself and the removable handle in several layers of the newspaper so that the metal elements do not rub each other and did not spoil the case before. Recommend
- The parcel went to the month exactly. The scissors are good, even lubricated. The only thing that upset was, I wanted a red color, 2 times wrote about this to this, but I still came to the black, pike. And blurred. There is a cover in which now is stored. Cuts well. Length 10.5 centimeters. In the hand sits comfortable.
- The secator arrived safely and preservation, although it was not wrapped even in a special film for preservation, it was about two months in Saratov, so the season was over. It seems to cut, however, it creates a view of the Mahra with a cut, and so the halves are suitable. It is necessary only to the diameter of the platter and at war is more accurate. In general, the thing is needed and good, I will train for now.
How to order Spare parts for garden tools for Aliexpress
What you need to pay attention to the order of goods from the catalog Aliexpress. This is primarily available prices and a large range of goods. After you have registered on the site, you can easily order any product you like.
To search for which, use the search string or categories of goods that are posted on the site. After you can choose the tool you need depending on the additional criteria such as: price, size, etc. After you have switched to the category of goods you need. You can see the entire range of item, which is designed to be placed in this subgroup. Find for Say the most successful option and send the goods to pay. After payment you will receive a notice that your funds entered the site Aliexpress. And the goods are preparing to send by the seller.
Such a product is popular as - shovel. What are the models of their appearance and differences? What shovel should be purchased for various types of work and what to pay attention to? All these questions will be disclosed in this video review. After reviewing it, you can order it yourself and without difficulty ordering exactly the model of shovels that will suit all your requests and parameters. Successful viewing and shopping on Aliexpress !!
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