Drill - This is an electric, or a mechanical device, driven by a drill or other tool to create a hole of various diameters in all sorts of materials. Different drilling hardness capable of hardening in the following materials:
- wood;
- metal;
- plasterboard;
- brick;
- concrete;
- ceramics;
- plastic and so on.
Catalog of types of drills for a drill to Aliexpress
The most famous marketplace of the world, which is especially popular in the CIS countries, offers its potential customers a large number of different drill. This tool differ in both its diameter, manufacturing material, and purpose.
In order to find a drill catalog for a drill in directories Aliexpress, it follows from the main page of the site to go through "all sections", where in the category " Arrangement of the house»Find the tab" Instruments". After that, among all types of goods category " Instruments»Find" Mechanical tools"And choose in it" Drill bit«.
To date, the number of different types drillexceeds 26.000, among which you can choose the most appropriate drillfor your needs.
In turn, in the catalog Aliexpressall drills are divided into the following categories, depending on the type of steel used:
And according to the method of application of drills, they were divided into the following types:
- Tree drilling;
- Drilling of metals;
- Drilling of the wells;
- Drilling of walls;
- Drilling of printed circuit board.
Working with concrete is very difficult, since this material has a large margin of strength, due to which it is possible to build various high structures, make a strong base and overlap. Such drillit is made from high-strength kalenny steel, and the tip is made of heavy-duty material, mainly for their production it is used to win.
The process of drilling in concrete and brick surfaces is made due to the shock drill or perforator. While working simultaneously with turning drilla large number of shots are produced, which partially destroy the structure of the concrete surface, which allows the drilling is much easier.
The winvest tip resembles the shape of a screw for a meat grinder, which breaks through a strong surface, and itself drillallows you to make sure to get rid of the spent material.
In addition to winning tips on drills for drillused diamond spraying. Particularly often such a type of spraying is used in drills with crownswhich are designed to do large round holes in concrete and brick floors.
The victorious tips themselves also differ in drills. The main differences are diameter and rigidity. In order to make a hole in the concrete overlap, it will be enough to use the average or soft hardness.
For example, for a set of 6 high-quality durable drillwith a winning tip, on Aliexpresswe'll have to pay a little less than $ 9.
drill sharpening nozzle
When working with a different surface early, or late drillgradually stupid. This can happen in many factors. Drillquickly stupid because working with through CHUR solid material, as well as overheating it. Due to significant overheating the structure of the metal from which is made drill, changing. As a consequently, rapid wear occurs.
To not have had to drillthrowing out, it can be sharpened. It is for these purposes that special nozzles on a drill are used, with which the sharpening happens. drill. When it is sharpened, the drills are quite good, which will make it to do after that a hole without any problems.
In such sharpening nozzles drillthere are about 20 holes, each of which will allow sharpening. drilldefined diameter.
Such a sharpening nozzle will be able to sharpen ordinary drillAnd if there is a win-off tip on them, or a diamond spraying, it will not be able to sharpen them. Since abrasive materials cannot cope with them.
drill nozzles
Drill - a universal tool, with which you can not only do the holes in the wall, applying the effort to press the maximum drillto the surface. And also make various manipulations using a drill.
Special nozzlesthe drill will allow to increase the scope of the use of drills. In this case, you can make holes in hard-to-reach places, using a flexible shaft. This shaft is a flexible hose of various lengths, one side of which is connected to cartridge drills, and the second is attached small drill, or bit. And in this case, the drill is very convenient to use as a screwdriver, or a screwdriver.
Some type noadthe drill allows you to use a drill as a grinding machine. Nozzle S. abrasive brush It will help to qualitatively, effectively and quickly polish any surface. This will make the surface smoothly and remove all sorts of jar from it.
For more delicate grinding exist felt nozzlesthat beautifully polish stainless steel and brass products. There are several species felt grinding nozzles on a drill: fine-seat, coarse and semigrupts.
Thirtless felt nozzlesserve to work with particularly important details of machines and other devices. Semi-crucifers are most often used to polish surgical instruments and parts that are used in the exact equipment. In all other situations, it is possible to use coarse-housing felt nozzles.
Manual drill
Manual drill - Mechanical tool that allows you to make holes for different diameters and depth. Such toolit is a mechanism that is activated by rotating the handle. As a result of this rotation, an impact on the gear system is created, which in turn create an effort capable of making holes in the surface with different hardness.
With one rotation of the handle, due to the gear system, there is a significant rotational movement with a high number of revolutions.
Drillslarge size has a special empistance, allowing the shoulder drill to the working surface.
Almost all hand drills are equipped with fist patron. It is represented as a cylinder with a special ring-regulator, with which is delayed drilldifferent diameter B. patron, or any other nozzle. Nozzleeither the drill will be significantly saved to stay in patronif it is tightened with effort.
drills for drill and their diameter
Drill- One of the most important elements of the drill, since it was from this detail that the diameter of the hole, which was planned to be made in that or in the other material. An important is also the material with which work is planned. Exists drillon wood, metal, concrete and glass. And the diameter may vary from 0.5 mm to 15 centimeters.
For example, drillthe metal is often about 2 cm in diameter, while they have a pointed tip, which contributes to a lighter penetration into the metal surface. The same drillit can easily be used to drill wood and drywall.
It is very important to use strongly sharpened drillthat reduces heating drilland a faster way out of order. In case if drillhe was very hot, the drill must be turned off for a while, after which it is to cool it. Only after that it is possible to start work. To minimize friction drillabout the work surface, should be lubricated with its machine oil.
Drillin terms of metal and wood, the concrete surface is strictly prohibited, because it may fail the drill itself. To work with concrete, the use of special drillwhich have a tip in the form of a triangle. Such a tip is made of carbide materials, mainly from winning that it works exclusively with a perforator, or a shock drill.
Drillwith a winning tip, installed in the perforator, beats over concrete overlap, breaking it. After that, it goes deep into the surface. To work with more solid surfaces it is necessary to choose drillwith a higher level of hardness. In these cases use drillwith winning plates.
Another type is drill on glass. Since the glass is a fragile material, it is necessary to work with it very carefully, because intense pressure can lead to cracks and a complete split glass. To avoid this you need to use special drillwhich can be divided into two types. The first of which will have a species of spear, and the second in the form of a crown.
V drillswith a type of spear, a win-winning tip is used, with which it can be carefully done to do holes in the glass. The second type, has a similarity with the crown on the drilling of concrete, however, but there is no teeth in this type. Instead of teeth B. drillsthis type is used by spraying, which drills the glass, removing its ball behind the ball.
cartridge for a drill
Cartridge for a drill - This is a mechanical part of the device that is intended for clamping drillany diameter, or other nozzles. Using a clamping ring, a change in the required diameter for installation in cartridgedrill, and subsequent fixation.
There are 2 types cartronswhich can be highlighted by clamping method:
- manual fixation;
- fixation using a special key.
The special key allows you to significantly increase the degree of fixation of the drill in patron. What is an important factor, when using a high-speed and powerful drill.
You should also think about the timely replacement, or the availability of the spare cartridge for drill. Since, undergoing continuous loads, cartridgemay be gradually fail. At the same time there are significant beating and breaking the drill during work.
By type of fastening cartridgethere are several options for the drill itself: the first type has a thread and winds directly on the thread pin in the drill itself. Cartridgethreaded may differ in the diameter of the tail. The second type has a conical fastener and is installed by banal attachment on the pin.
Therefore, in the case of purchase cartridgeIt is necessary to pay direct attention to all sizes that are indicated on the cartridge. In case they have already been erased, it is necessary to remove cartridgeand make independent measurements.
Customer Reviews Price-Quality
S *** y S. Order walked to me for quite a long time. The description did not indicate the dimensions of the drill, but in fact they were all small. Now it remains for small - check them in business and learn about quality.
Vladimir O. Gorgeous set! Came quickly. Delivered right home! I figured prices in our stores and it turned out that Aliexpress is much cheaper. So saving is ten times!
A *** X S. I've received the parcel. SF Express sent, 1.5 months went to Moscow. The track is monitored only to Russia, but I did not wait for the other from this kind of parcels. You did not try to drill the drills, in several drills asymmetric sharpening angle, although it is clear that they sharpened on the machine. Pretch to manual. But this claim to the manufacturer. Seller thanks!
How to order drills for drill to Aliexpress
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