Seeds of rare plants on Aliexpress

Some residents of apartments and houses are engaged in the present collecting of various plantswho create a special atmosphere in apartments. Going into the room, where Liana and others were growing during several years. exotic plantsYou seem to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of some other country. You can easily be in the jungle, where is about and on the branches of Liana will move the monkey, or sit beautiful and large parrot. Or you can see a huge amount flowersvarious colors, shades and species.

Catalog of seeds of rare plants for Aliexpress

Rain rare houses plantyou can in several ways. The first way is the reproduction using the process. This is a faster option to start the growth of any greenery at home, but not all plants are able to support their development after plugging.

The second most popular way is the cultivation of any plant with seeds. You immerse the branches into a wet primer and create better conditions for its growth.

Both the first and the second method of breeding rare plants is not 100%, because not every seed can give rise to new flower. Also not everyone flowermay begin to grow with the process.

To date, the catalog of various seed plants v catalog Aliexpress There are more than 140.000 species. Among these species have all sorts of flowers, grassSmall trees, bushesand other plants. Each of these species requires a certain care for the further development of the plant.

How to grow a plant from seeds, brief overview

The process of growing anyone plantsit is very exciting. To do this, you need to be patient and expect when your future plant Start germinate and further increase in its sizes. This method is not only fascinating, but also more economically beneficial, because to purchase seedssignificantly cheaper than buy processes from such plants. Plus, the choice of seeds is significantly larger, which allows you to choose the most acceptable view of the future. flower.

Select the species of interest is quite simple, for this you should go to the catalog seeds of plants on Aliexpressand on the pictures to decide what they will be interested in. The only moment to be removed when choosing is climate. After all, not all kinds plants, in particular, rare, will be able to take care and survive in a certain climate.

At the first stage of cultivation plants from seedsit should be studied by all the criteria in which seedit should be germinated. Such criteria include the temperature and humidity of the soil, indoor lighting, as well as types of feeders used in this process.

When landing should be planted a little more seedsthan you may need. After all, there is no guarantee that all seeds can germinate in the future. Sow seedspreferably in specially prepared soil and at home. Street soil is significantly landing than room, so watering should be more abundant. In addition, the Earth has a large number of diseases that will not allow plant.develop properly.

For planting it is desirable to use loose soil bought in specialized stores, since such a soil is largely enriched with oxygen. To seedsit is better to sprout a pot with seeds to subjected to a certain amount of light and heat. You can warm up both with the help of infrared lamp and using special thermal engineer. Light get more simply - you need to use the usual daylight lamp.

Mandatory examine the season and conditions in which it is required to plant seedsa certain plant. Some seedsit is better to plant in spring, other in the summer. It all depends on what conditions itself plantdwells. After landing on average plant germinates 4-6 weeks later, during which it is worth careful to care for the future plant.and wait patiently.

It is worth remembering that the soil for seeds should constantly moisturize.

rare indoor plants

V catalog Aliexpress You can find a large number seed rare plantsWhich can not only admire its extravagant flowers, graceful branches and leaves, but also a pleasant aroma, and even edible fruit.

It is difficult to decide with the group plantsWhich can be described as rare. Insofar as plantsWhich rarely occur on the windowsill of our apartments and houses can not always be described as rare. They can enjoy themselves in the greenhouses, where there are special conditions, where the moist air and the appropriate temperature. But often such houseplants They do not get along in dry and warm rooms, which makes it impossible to meet them in the apartments.

rare bedroom plantscan not tolerate transportation, others begin to grow rapidly after a few years, others require special care and conditions. Best of rare room plantsin the home collection became wild because it is the most difficult to grow them at home, they require a large and gentle care.

exotic plant seeds

Seeds of exotic plants very popular in catalog Aliexpress. The popularity and the large number of orders were able to achieve due to low cost, while the sprouts have grown exotic plants have a very impressive rate. A cultivation of seedsalthough it has risks, but still a lot of fun during the growing process.

Despite this, many bought himself seedsand trying to grow beautiful exotic. It should be noted that a large impact is not only the environment and the specific climatic conditions, but also the type of plant. After some plantsdespite its rapid growth may be difficult to reproduce, and seedswill remain empty.

Before land like exotic should be given a lot of time studying every little nuance concerning a particular type of plant.

seeds houseplants

Houseplants are one of the most popular seedsWho buy in catalogs Aliekspress. Home houseplant It has a better chance of survival, especially if it is exotic. This happens for the reason that the apartment is much easier to create more favorable conditions for future growth plantsAnd for the time from landing to its first germs.

sow room plants from seeds at any time of year, because how to create optimal conditions in an apartment is much easier than on the street. However, the best season is in the spring, when plant growth is activated.

larger seeds houseplantsit is desirable to soak in water for some time. After seedswere soaked, they must be planted in the soil prepared in advance. SeedsWhich have very small dimensions, must be planted in the ground, after its temperature and maintain the optimum moisture.

Seedsit is desirable first planting in special small cups, which will be easier to monitor their growth and produce a separate dressing. Exotic rare plantsit requires more care, as reflected in constant adjustment day and night temperatures and humidity levels.

The seeds of flowering plants

The seeds of flowering plants the most developed form of plantsHowever, more complex in their structure. Most of the flowering plants spread around the world and planted it through seeds. This is the best option flower breeding, as transported seedsdo not require special conditions, at a time when flowering plants are more demanding in the shoots.

after planting seed of a flowering plant it gives small they are accustom to the ground and give the small root system. After some time, due to internal reserves of nutrients seed, Plant produces sprouts and begins to grow. new flowerit may be a different number of seeds: one a large amount. But in the future there is no guarantee that every seedit will give a new life. Therefore, when landing seeds of flowering plantsPurchased in catalog Aliexpress We must take into account this fact and planted several seeds in separate pots.

rose seeds

Most of the gardeners, or just fans of the home plantsgreenhouses and know that the Rosereplicates using processes. However, it would be interesting to see what rose seeds germinate and take root where better processes. This happens due to the fact that from the grain, the Roseadapted to specific environmental conditions, humidity, temperature and vitamin complex soil.

As of today, you can find a large variety of seedsFrom which the huge number of species roses. An interesting fact for growers is that planted a few seeds of a single species rosesWill never be exactly the same. Each of the shoots and flowers of the future will be the original plant, which differ from each other in color and shade, height, number of spikes, etc.

planted seedsthey require constant care, despite the high percentage of convergence. Daily flowers need to highlight, using the lamp for at least 10 hours. This will enable faster to enhance the growth of the future plants. It should not be abundantly worth it, it will be enough to do it as the soil drying. A few weeks later there is the first rostock.

hibiscus from seeds

One of the beautiful species of flowering plants is hibiscus. This floweris a perennial that can be quite easy to grow from seeds. Seedsperennials can be easily acquired in catalog AliexpressAt the same time, the choice of their varieties and colors of the plants themselves is huge. Few flower risk to grow growing perennial plants, especially if you do this from seeds.

Hibiscus- A beautiful multi-year flower in which many years of its root system is, while the ground part is dying and removed during the winter period. In the spring, this flower gives new shoots, which makes it in care for the second year much easier.

Hibiscus from seeds It is a shrub that has powerful shoots with plenty of leaflets. At the ends of the shoots are formed beautiful and fragrant buds flowers. Diversity of species hibiscusit is represented not only in the color of the flowers themselves, but also in the color of the stem, size and form of sheets.

The main result that is expected from hibiscusthere are beautiful flowers that have impressive sizes, which attracts even more attention from flowerflowers. So when choosing a type seed Hibiscusv catalog Aliexpress, A large amount of attention should be paid to this plant.

Seeds of medicinal plants

Quite a few lovers of rare plants and flowers sharpen attention on acquisition seeds of medicinal plants. Natural medicines have a significant impact on the human body and his health. Separate species medicinal plants A direct impact on the normalization of the work of various human organs, allowing to improve the state as a whole.

Seeds of medicinal plants Mostly know how to develop well. As a result of development and growth, plant bodies are obtained, which are used in therapeutic purposes. Some species are widely used in folk medicine, others in medicine with preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Customer Reviews Price-Quality

J *** A E. Seeds reached about a month, put in the mailbox in the May holidays. Immediately partially sent to stratification. Practically a month, the results are zero. I could not stand, bought 30 peat pills and stuck two seeds there (one of the stratification, other of the residues). While nothing has grown. It remains to wait and believe. Otherwise, the seller is good, worried about the delivery and even independently extended the service life of the buyer.

Alyuona R.Seeds came to Belarus in 40 days. I think it is fast, since because of my experience, small things come either with a very big delay or do not come at all. It is a pity that a small amount of time has been determined for the revocation, and there is no possibility to show whether these grains will germ and whether these are roses, and not some kind of bundle. And the rich color palette does not inspire confidence, but we will try, the price is ridiculous, so who does not risk, it does not grow beauty.

Dmitry A. Seeds went 30 days. Excellent everything is packaged, all seeds seller signed. The appearance causes confidence, I will try! Be careful if you order roses, it will not be enough to simply put them in the box, see the information on the Internet!

How to order seeds of rare plants on Aliexpress

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