Gardening tools for Aliexpress


As you can do in the garden and garden without a special toolWith which you can make different manipulations: to mow, break, dig, spray, trim and more.

For each type of work responds completely different garden tools. Not only the durability of work will depend on their quality, but also comfort while working with them. Any work in the garden should make fun as much as possible so that the result obtained becomes the most profitable site for the host.

Catalog of gardening tools for Aliexpress

Number of garden tools in the catalog Aliexpressmore than 13,000 different types and modifications, which can be used for various classes in the garden for various types of occupations today, is significantly large. Here you can meet secators, shovel, rake, small blades, scoop, miniature seeders and much more.

To go into a gardening inventory directory, you need to go to all categories from the main page of the site, after which you select " For home and garden", Where will the section you need for us" Garden supplies«.

garden tools

Garden tool- This type of inventory that is used both on industrial scales and for personal purposes for small country sites. It is difficult to allocate some specialization of a certain garden inventorySince the amount of tasks performed using them is quite substantial.

Any kind garden toolallows you to organize high-quality work for which special devices will be required. Without such a garden toolit will be impossible to expect a good harvest, and the garden itself is either the garden will look overgrown and ugly. Beautiful, thick and smoothly trimmed lawn with neatly planted flowers - what could be better.

Gardeners themselves who have a significant amount of energy and are engaged in their favorite case a considerable period of time, have a huge number of garden in their collection inventory. Each of these species toolit has its purpose.

The most common types of garden tools are shovel, rake, forks, scoops and ceattor. With the help of a garden tool, it is very convenient to produce twist and trimming trees, shrubs. For these purposes, special secators, scissorsand hacksaws.

garden machinery

Garden technician is represented mainly by electrical instruments that are a huge variety. Among such equipment there are motocos, lawn mower, chainsaws, cultivators and motoblocks, trimmersand brush cutters, Special vacuum cleaners for the garden, hay and aerators.

In the period of heavy rains, weeds and grass, which begin to grow at high speed, while making the lawn and the garden itself is less attractive. To achieve a more presentable garden type, it is necessary to use such a kind of garden technology as trimmer. it devicemay be several species, some work on electricity, the second with a gasoline engine. Other name trimmermotokos.. This device allows you to easily and quickly cope with high rigid grass.

Trimmerit is convenient to keep with a belt and two handles that allow you to make movements in one or other side. Thus, the management of them is very simple. In a matter of minutes deviceallows you to get rid of the hottest thickets.

Make the lawn more even and beautiful will help lawn mower. This is a more overall gardening equipment that has 4 wheels and a special fast rotating knife, with which a lawn haircut occurs. The only disadvantage is his "fear" to solid subjects, which can how to fasten the knives, and withdraw their failure.

In order to completely get rid of the old or unnecessary wood, you should use chainsaw. This is a mechanical chain device that runs from a small internal combustion engine. During engine operation chainsawscauses a sharpened chain that makes quick turns aimed at rapid spill of trees and bushes. Acquire chainsawin catalog Aliexpressyou can only $ 200. It will be a high-quality tool with a long cutting part of 20 inches. The sharp teeth will cope as quickly as possible with the wood of any hardness.

If the processed section is quite large, therefore, it takes a considerable time for its processing. In order to increase the speed of operation, specialized equipment, including cultivators. Mechanical cultivatorwith the power of the engine in 5 horsepower, it will be enough to treat a portion of 10 acres in a couple of hours.

hand tool

Despite the fact that the automated technique greatly simplifies work in the country areas, but without a manual tool it will be difficult to do. Trolley, such storage, scissors, seeders, hoes, rake, hand saws and cultivators, scoops, forks, shoveland toporsit will help to greatly facilitate the work of the gardener.

With the help of carts it will be easier to carry heavy materials on the garden or a garden. This technique will make it very easy to immerse a large volume on it, for example, soil and transport to considerable distances. At the same time spent energy will require a minor amount. This not only makes the work process much easier, but also greatly accelerates it.

With help garden scissors and suchkorezovyou can remove unnecessary branches of different stiffness. Some types of manual garden scissorsWith long cutting parts, help create beautiful figures, as a living hedge.

Garden rake Allow to remove various garbage on the entire site. Most often with grableyit is possible to remove the fallen leaves, cut branches of trees and knots. Some models use a non-fixed handle size, and a telescopic regulator is installed, with which it is possible to individually adjust the length of its growth. The size exhibited will make cleaning the territory of comfortable.

Quality rakewith telescopic adjustment of the length of the handle will cost Aliexpressjust $ 56. Made of high-quality steel rakewith an ergonomic handle, make cleaning high quality and comfortable, and the tool itself is durable.

sladovaya shovel

Garden shovel - This is a hand tool for working with the soil. This tool can be divided into several species most used among which are Soviet and bayonet.

Tnyok shovelit has a pointed shape and a long stalk. Often on the metal part shovelspecial atpasses were provided, which allowed to increase the burden due to human weight, thereby easier to drive it into solid grounds. With the help of bayonets shovelit is convenient to drag the ground, cutting on the way small roots of plants.

Soviet shovelit has a wider blade with raised edges and is used to work with bulk materials, including soil. Such shovelallow you to quickly load the spent soil in the garden bar, for subsequent transportation.

When choosing shovelattention should be paid to the used, in the manufacture of this tool, the material. The best use for the manufacture of shovel is stainless steel. This material is quite strong and allows you to loosen and drag the garden and vegetable vegetation areas with thick vegetation. Such shovelthey will be the most expensive in their category, but also the most durable, since they are not corrosion.

The following price will be shovelfrom conventional steel, which do not differ in stainless steel hardness, but they may be corrosion over time. If the blades are installed from plastic, or aluminum, then they are mainly used to work with not heavy material, mainly to clean the garden plot from snow.

The most expensive are shovelfrom Titan. They have great durability and are subject to minimal wear, with their weight well below the steel.

tools for the neck

Garden and garden is a place that requires not only significant physical costs, but also the presence of a large number of different tool. Such garden equipment is used for a variety of purposes. And since the garden is a small plot of land where all sorts of cultures are grown, and care must be appropriate.

For the garden there is no need to purchase a significant amount of tools, but it is enough to have a small set for temporary service of the site. Standard sets of garden tools include shovel, mothand roas rake, scoop and secateurs.

This is the most common tool, without which it is impossible to do on any summer cottage. Each of these tools operates its role and is an indispensable part of a good future harvest and a beautiful view of the country area.

Customer Reviews Price-Quality

M *** y G. We ordered this set of gardening tools for a small area. I wanted to look after her a few bushes with flowers. We got a great set. The only downside was the slightly cracked wood. But it is not critical. Thanks to the seller.

N *** a V. Order happy! A great gift for your favorite moms and grandmothers who have a lot of home flowers and seedlings in the spring. Sharing wooden and long thought to be shorter, but it is even a plus than a minus. Packaging is good, do not be ashamed to give. Track to track only up to the moment of crossing the border with Russia. Next to the Irkutsk region item was without a track. In general, all is well! Council.

G *** y P. All is not gold that glitters. When picked up the scissors immediately realized that this is a real cheap tuften! And here it is made in Germany? Product code unrelated to this model does not have. Sharpening of the cutting apart made very rough because of cheap steel quality and high doping there and does not smell. Blade curves, the gap between them. For fun, I looked similar shears, at this price only 1-2 bucks more you can get high quality. Do not get fooled by the divorce. All money back quickly, only to not raise his noise and did not spoil the overall picture.

How to order garden tools on Aliekspress

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