New Year is the wonderful time and time of the fulfillment of many desires. It is in this very moment, each resident of the earth says goodbye to last year, leaving all the problems behind. In the new year it is worth taking with you only the best with the already leaving. This is one of the most pleasant and bright holidays that millions of people around the world are waiting with great impatience.
In this bright day, everyone runs around the city in search of any gifts, attend hundreds of online stores, where you can find the most suitable product without much difficulty. It can not do this day and without all sorts of jewelry, which are used to improve the appearance of both the interior premises of buildings, houses and apartments and facades of buildings.
Catalog of types of Christmas decorations for buildings on Aliexpress
Marketplace Aliexpressit is one of the largest and most famous online store worldwide. Due to its popularity, which has been achieved over the past 6 years, every year on Aliexpressincreased number of stores. Each store and seller fills his store with dozens and hundreds of various types of goods. Extremely popular in the catalog Aliexpress All sorts of New Year's decorations enjoy.
Despite the fact that New Year's goods are seasonal goods, however, throughout the year, many residents of various cities have purchases such new year decorations. This is happening because of the year, sellers spend a large number of sales, in which you can buy any new year decoration at substantially low prices.
To date, the catalog of New Year's products includes over 40,000 units. Find the catalog of New Year's goods is very simple. This follows from the main page of the site. Aliexpressgo to a complete list of all sections of goods that can be found on the site. After that, you need to select the section " For home and garden"Where in the window that opens should be selected" Goods for holidays and parties". At the last stage, on the left menu, click " Christmas«.
For greater convenience, all sorts of subsections were allocated, through which you can more quickly choose the right product:
- Suspension and fall decoration;
- Trees;
- Stockings and gift holders;
- Balloon decoration;
- Holiday figurines;
- Artificial snow and snowflakes;
- Ribbons;
- Decorative bows and dressings;
- Skirt tree;
- Top Tree.
It is also very convenient to sort goods to the greatest number of sales, which allows you to allocate the most expensive or cheap products. It is also possible to establish the cost limits to purchase in the price category that will be the most appropriate.
new Year's garlands
New Year is not only the brightest holiday in the year, but also the most bright. How this day can do without a lot firesand all kinds of illumination. After all, bright multicolored lEDs and lamps are one of the most important components and the most beloved. Many residents even compete, who is brighter and more beautiful will decorate the house with garlands.
The current technologies allow garlandsclang not only indoors, but also outside, directly in the open sky. Many of us have seen how the outer facade of buildings, trees, fences, arbors and many other buildings and things that are located on the street are decorated. It is very beautiful and exciting. Thanks to this, the house simply shines from the inside and calls towards him a large number of friends who will gladly make many beautiful photographs.
New Year's garlands represent a huge number of small LEDs connected in successively by each other. Alternatingly alternately, various colors create a festive atmosphere, especially it becomes noticeable when the lights begin to work in completely different modes. They can slowly shine and light up, or do it very quickly, as if flashes and lighting everything around.
New Year's garlands may be not only in the form of small light bulbs, but they look very beautifully in the form of all sorts of bright flowers, or hearts. Such light equipment will be very spectacular and versatile, as it is suitable for any holiday. During the preparation for the celebration of the New Year, the insanely relevant will be lED color garland in the form of snowflakes, asterisks and small herringrs.
lED garlands
Modern developments came to the fact that ordinary small incandescent bulbs were replaced with miniature lED. Such type new Year's lighting It became the most original, while it became possible to connect a huge amount of garlands into one network. LED garlands are the most economical light equipmentwhich can be easily fixed anywhere.
LED garlands It can be both very bright and so that they will create around a soft overflowing light. Due to the small consumption of current, energy consumption is significantly reduced as a whole, and also reduces the load on the electrical circuit. It is these factors that are key to make their choice in favor of such a New Year's equipment.
Also lED garlands Source significantly less, due to which the risk of any unwanted fires decreases.
street garlands
Street garlands- One of the safest ways to establish external lighting on the facades of buildings and around the perimeter of the territory. Such garlandsfully adapted to the effects of both sunlight and other weather conditions. They are absolutely not afraid of temperature differences, heat and cold weather, as well as they can easily withstand rains and snowfall.
It was achieved due to the fact that they have a high-quality shell capable of withstanding similar weather conditions. Ourselves lEDsthey are not able to heat the outer shell strongly, as provided for in ordinary light bulbs. Consequently, they are absolutely safe from any kind of fire.
Thanks to street garlands., every owner of his own private house or cottage, can quickly dress around the building. The decoration process itself will be crazy not only adult, but also for children. Which will be happy to lay a light beam and create visual images invented by themselves.
light LED Rain
LED light rain appeared not so long ago. This is small light ledwhich is fixed in a special hermetic plastic flask. On the one hand, this LED rain is fixed to the ceiling, or any other horizontal surface and connects to the power grid. Such lamps need to establish a large number so that the effect of them is more impressive.
In ruler light rain There is a certain amount of LEDs of a certain color, which are turned on sequentially one after one and resembles the falling rain drops. Just for this effect, such a type of LED garland was called " light LED Rain". Such LEDs are in a hermetic transparent capsule, so that they can be installed without any special problems. They will look very beautiful if they are installed under the roof of the building.
The cost of similar lED rain Very small, especially if they are set in comparison with local shops. Aliexpressallows you to purchase any New Year decoration at lower prices, while have completely free shipping from the warehouse to your home.
lED Strip Light
LED ribbons Used in various conditions. As a backlight of all sorts of stands, premises and sections of furniture, as well as to emphasize certain sections of the building. They are easily attached on any surfaces due to adhesive base. When choosing in directories AliexpresslED tapesyou should specify the length of you ribbons LEDswhich can be both case and inapproprous.
To LED ribbons It was possible to attach to the facade of the building, they must be necessarily located in a special flexible body. It is this case that will save the device itself not only from mechanical damage, but also from all sorts of weather conditions. Such lED tape There will be no snow, no rain, no temperature drops.
Today we are issued lED ribbons Not only one color, but also with the possibility of switching colors using a special console.
solar garland
LED garland on the Solar Battery - This is the most expensive pleasure that will become an excellent decoration of the facade of any building, as well as other elements of the exterior and decor on the street. Such electric light decoration can allow you to even save the cost of consumed by electricity. This is due to the fact that all LEDs are completely powered by the energy of the Sun.
Special solar panelsthey accumulate electricity throughout the sunny day, and after sunset, the festive illumination itself turns on. Unfortunately, the battery capacity does not always have enough to fully illuminate large areas of buildings throughout the night. However, this is a very convenient way, especially in those moments when it is not possible to spend and connect garlandsto the power grid.
lED trees
Have you ever seen treeswho are fully illuminated by LEDs? This is a very relevant and attractive way to install festive, bright and colored illumination on treeslocated around the desired building. It is not only bright, but also very beautiful. Such LEDs are completely harvested trees both by the pillar itself and in small branches.
Separate models lED treesthey can visually remind a foliage on trees, which glows with bright colors and can be blown away by changing the colors and sunbathing, then begins to fill up. It looks very beautiful, especially if the number of trees with such light will be very large.
garlands from Sharikov
Garland from Sharikov - Very beautiful and original. While everyone installs a large number of ordinary on their buildings lED garlandwho do not particularly differ from each other, then the others hang very beautiful and original on their homes garlands from Sharikov.
Such designer solutions will help make your home more recognizable and attractive. Ballsthe building will be more brightly, the lights will seem significantly more and thereby emphasize all the positive places of the building. They can be postponed around the windows, or doors and visually make them much brighter and more in size.
Such decorative garlands from balls You can hang under the ceiling of the arbor, where they will look more concise and unobtrusively. And tuing them in a calm mode, you can arrange a beautiful romantic evening under them, or to include more rhythmic movement under which you can even dance with pleasure. Catalog Aliexpressallows you to choose a huge number of all kinds of garlands, the cost of which is significantly lower than local online stores.
Customer Reviews Price-Quality
L *** V O. My order came just yes 17 days, which is very fast. Ordered a special one with her husband in advance, because there were cases of long deliveries. Here the seller sent literally 10 hours after payment. Ordered a set of LED rain. The kit came in which there were 4 such strips. Made of transparent plastic. The quality seems to be very good, immediately connected - everything works. Thanks a lot. We will order yet. I liked it very much.
J *** N R. I decided to order a LED ribbon of 5 meters long. I even checked the length after receiving, did not have enough 2 cm, which is very good. Maybe the Chinese have chinese rules. Shines brightly, all LEDs work perfectly. I have not yet come up to mount where it is still going in the box. Thanks for the quality product, fast shipment and delivery. Packed all clearly. I took a sale. The price was significantly different.
A *** Y O. I liked the sale, because they decided to immediately order 5 garlands, in each of which 500 LEDs. All came in good condition, were packed in the aircraft. Thanks a lot. Recommend.
How to order New Year's decorations for buildings on Aliexprecc
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