Face cleansing devices at home on Aliexpress

Our skin is a rather complex mechanism - it protects us from ultraviolet radiation, from getting into the body of all sorts of microbes, allows you to regulate the body temperature, participates in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which contributes to the enrichment of the body with oxygen. About 800 g of water is distinguished about 800 g of water.

The skin contributes to absorbing the necessary organism of elements and the derivation through the sweat of all sorts of toxic substances. Also under the skin are the sebaceous glands, they are able to produce up to 800 g of skin salts for a month, the main function of which is the obstacle to the injection of malicious chemical elements into the body.

Therefore, such close attention is given to the skin, her treatment, care about it, cleaning, feeding, moisturizingand rejuvenation.

Catalog of types of facial cleaning devices for Aliexpress

Catalog Alikespress There are over 6,000 different options for cleaning the skin of the face. To get to get into the directory we need, you should go from the main page to the "Beauty and Health" tab, where in the dropping menu in the subcategory "Skin Care", we choose the item " For face«.

After you fall into the category of facial goods, you should go to the subcategory " Cleaners", As indicated on the screenshot of the page.

All these facial cleaning devices are divided into the following features and applications:

Therefore, it will be quite convenient to choose a more interesting option and for what purposes it will be used.

apparatus for ultrasonic face cleaning

To date, there are many ways cleaning skin face However, these types are the most popular and simple:

  • scrub;
  • peeling;
  • cleansing with brush.

These three ways cleaningthey only lead to the fact that only the top layer of dead skin is removed. At the time when ultrasonic cleaning contributes to a deeper cleaning, while not creating any threats and other mechanical damage to the epidermis.

In the work of itself apparatussound oscillations are lying, which contribute to the removal of the skin of the skin of pollution, and also helps to eliminate the consequences of acne. Ultrasoundthe oscillations act only on the surface of the skin, so it can be used for any type of skin, whether dry, oily, or combined.


facial cleaning machine

If using apparatusto clean the face, which is based on the use of microvibrations, it will become the most efficient way. After all, the very vibrations create an increase in temperature on a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, as a result, the pores open and dead leather is much easier.


Such apparators Allowed to get rid of black dots on the face, it helps to improve blood circulation in the body and allows the skin better to breathe. These all factors in the end have a high impact on the skin color, so on its elasticity and elasticity.

Conduct similar cleansing therapeutic proceduresrecommended cosmetologists regularly. The procedure interval, depending on the problems with the skin and its running, must be observed in the range of 7-30 days. Therefore, acquire ultrasonic face cleaner It will be the most profitable option.

vacuum facial cleaning

This kind cleaningthe faces will perfectly cope with their task, being the best alternative to ultrasonic. Procedure It occurs almost painlessly, while on the face is carried out with a special pipe, which is connected to the device that creates a vacuum.

With help vacuum Dirt is suused from the pores and dead skin. In addition to cleaning, the organism is the lymphatic value effect, which allows you to maximize the skin with oxygen. In addition to vacuum cleaning, it is necessary to carry out additional preparatory work. At first, complete cleaning of the skin of the face from the applied cosmetics and various contaminants is performed.

After that, they carry out the treatment of fairy face, which prevents the time to open and be ready for the last stage. It is at this stage that the skin is directly carried out with a vacuum " vacuum cleaner", Which lasts about 20 minutes.

ultrasonic Scrapter

All girls and women know what scracer. Scrub allows you to remove damaged skin in separate parts of the body. And the device itself, scracerwill allow you to clean your face with ultrasound. Its effect will pleasantly surprise, when used for any skin type and for various age categories.

This kind piling.the only one that can be held in the summer, and its "work" prevent the risk of skin pigmentation.

LW 006.

Portable ultrasound LW 006. It became an excellent choice for both home use and to work in cosmetology salons. And if you look at the skin and deal with the reasons for the appearance of age wrinkles, skin pigmentation, bags under the eyes, it will be obvious that all this happens as a result of the appearance of a damaged skin.

With age and in case of insufficient face skin care, it is necessary to help the skin from time to time, if it does not cope.

Based on LW-006. An ultrasonic wave is laid, which fluctuates with a frequency of 28 kHz. These fluctuations are invisible to the human eye, but they increase the temperature, allowing them to open more. Eventually cleaningit becomes deeper and thorough.

This device has 4 work programs:

  1. Peeling. This is the most efficient and deep mode. workAt which the cleaning of oroging skin and polishing the skin passes. During this operation, the skin moisturizing is also enriched with oxygen. This contributes to the maximum impact and rejuvenation of the skin.
  2. Toning of the skin. During this mode, with ultrasoundthe skin gets a gentle massage. The blood circulation is activated and the internal metabolism is improved.
  3. The program for cleaning moisturizes the surface layer of the skin and increases the enrichment with its oxygen. Surfactant is carried out cleaningfrom dead skin.
  4. Program liftingallows you to pull the muscles and skin face. It gives a relaxing effect, not allowing wricks to manifest at any age.

In addition to positive properties in this unit LW006.and there is a fairly large list of contraindications, so before you start its use, you need to get a professional advice on a dermatologist, or a beautician.

the apparatus of ultrasound pylling

Ultrasoundbecame an excellent invention in cosmetology, because with ultrasound. I would like to note that ultrasonic peeling will not be able to cope with age wrinkles and pigment stains. This type of cleaning allows you to get rid of the upper layers of dead epidermis.

There are positive moments in the use of this cleaning. Such faculty cleaning methodlet girls look a lot better. This method of cleaning the face will not leave redness of the skin, since physical damage to the skin in this case does not occur.

Usage Ultrasonic apparatus Pylling will improve the condition of the skin of the face before any important event. This is the fastest way to achieve such goals.

apparatuses for Pylling

To date, there are many apparators Used in cosmetology to achieve all sorts of tasks. There are as more powerful and functional stationary apparatorsso I. oversizedthat perform practically the same functions.

Some devices are able to support diamond peelingthe skin of the face, which was invented relatively recently. This method allows to conduct grinding Skin with miniature diamond crystals. Such technologyit is perfectly combined with vacuum cleaning, helping the maximum achieve the effect of skin rejuvenation.

When conducting such a procedure, a polishing of the upper layers of the skin occurs, during which the removal of damaged areas of the skin occurs.

cosmetology devices

Very often in cosmetology recommended and use vacuumcleaning the skin, since it is a practically painless procedure capable of leading a good result. Vacuum " vacuum cleaner"Perfectly protects the body during the procedure, from entering it through open pores of all sorts of infections.

During Samoa procedureit takes place in parallel to the massage of the skin of the face, which allows you to speed up the process of updating the epidermis. Such procedures are recommended with cosmetologists for women of middle and older, as they have a tonic effect on the skin, which helps to maintain it in a tone and more elastic.

Cosmetologists use often combined proceduresBecause they allow you to achieve maximum effect.

Customer Reviews Price-Quality

E *** A S.Admitted, expecting better quality. Maybe something was not sent me? For some reason pink? Plastic parts were crying and at the bottom permissible border of the level of cheap brands. It is assumed that this thing is for use in the bathroom and in contact with water. But the tightness of the battery compartment lid causes strong doubts! Rotation at 2 speeds, but only one way, which is not very convenient and tactile unpleasant. There would be better vibrational movements. Design is not stable. Here would be a suction cup at the bottom of the stand.

E *** A Y. Delivery month to Moscow. The quality of the packaging is worthy, the goods came without damage. The apparatus itself creaks insanely when contacting a person, a very unpleasant sound. Brushing with a bang! Leather, like after peeling. Two speeds.

E *** A B.I expected more powerful, 2 speeds, 1 Generally, 2 more faster, but as soon as the face applies almost stops, the idea is good, but for the full cost of this money is not worth it (I took it with a huge discount)

How to order a device for cleaning a face for Aliexpress






