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How to cancel an order for Aliexpress after payment: when the payment is processed when the product is waiting for the seller

None of us is insured against hasty shopping. On Aliexpressthis can happen if you found the offer is better, cheaper, from a more reliable seller, or even decided that you do not need the ordered goods. Reasons can be different, but the goal is one, as soon as possible to give up the purchase and return their money. Let's look together how to do it right Aliexpressand which consequences of incorrect cancellation of the order can.

Is it possible to cancel an order for aliexpress if it is already paid

Often there are situations when the buyer wants to cancel the order paid by mistake, but it is not easy to do it. The fact is that the buyer has no right to unilaterally cancel his order, even if they paid a couple of minutes ago.

A prerequisite for successful cancellation is the consent of the Seller. Only after the seller confirms the cancellation can count on the return of money to the buyer.

In order for the seller to be a conspiracker and faster to confirm the cancellation (and they do this, oh, as they do not like, because first of all lose profits and spoil their rating), you need to choose the right reason. It is best if in choosing the reasons you "take all the blame on yourself", even if you do not suit you that the seller handles the order for a long time or sells at a very high price.

Select "I don't need this order" when requesting or specifying your reason - "The color or size of the product did not come up." In this case, the seller's rating will not suffer and he will be more willing to confirm the abolition.


How to cancel an order for Aliexpress if "Payment is checked"

As soon as you paid the goods on AliexpressThe order status will be indicated - "Payment is checked." The term of this check depends on how you paid the order. Through the "Kiwi-wallet" and "Yandex. Money »Payments are checked for a few minutes, and, paying for a bank card, be prepared for the fact that the check will take almost a day. Previously, cancel the order during this check was impossible, but the site is constantly being improved and, in the updated version AliexpressEverything has become much easier.

To cancel just paid order, go to your account and select the "My Orders" tab.


Find the right order if it is only paid, it will be the first in the list. In his status, it will be indicated "Payment is checked", and there will be a button to "Request Cancel Order". Press it.


A pop-up window will appear to select a reason when requesting cancellation. In order to increase the chances that the seller confirms the cancellation, choose a neutral cause - "I do not need this order" and press the "Submit" button.


Everything will now only wait for the seller to confirm the cancellation and the money will return back to your account.

When the money returns

If you have successfully canceled the paid order and the seller confirmed the cancellation, the money will return to your account in the same way, within 15 banking days, excluding holidays and weekends. This is the maximum period for the return, as practice shows, money after cancellation is returned much faster.

To see what stage is the return of funds, you can in the "My Orders" tab - "Returns and disputes".


How to cancel an order for Aliexpress if you are expected to send a parcel

But if you unexpectedly changed my mind and decided to cancel the order when the payment was checking and in the status of "hanging" the inscription "is expected to be sent", then the chances of the fact that the seller will confirm the cancellation, negligible, but still they are. The status "is expected to send" means that the seller is preparing your package or at all I have already taken it to the post office, but I have not yet managed to update the status and send you a track number.


Therefore, before requesting cancellation, you should write to the seller in private messages and warn it so that he does not send you the parcel. It is best to restrict ourselves to simple phrases without going into details and the reasons why did you change my mind. If you do not suit too long order processing or you found goods at a cheaper price, then you should not rush on the seller with accusations, because from his decision will depend on whether you will return to money and how fast. Apologize and inform your intentions, you can write something similar - «I Would Like to Cancel This Order. Sorry for the inconvenience. "

After you told the seller about your solution, go to "My Orders", find the desired and click the "Cancel Order" button.


Repeat the window with a choice of reasons, you already know that you choose that the seller is more likely confirmed by canceling. "I don't need this order" and the "Send" button will complete the execution of the application for cancellation.


Now it remains only to wait when the seller will take your decision and money will return to the account. But this may not happen, because Aliexpressoften there are unscrupulous sellers who are looking for various paths and tricks not to lose the desired order, and sometimes they go to deception and refuse to confirm the cancellation. Calculate from easy, but immediately warn you that you will spend not only your time, but also nerves. We will tell you how to solve deception and not get caught on the trick of quirky sellers.

If the seller has not confirmed the cancellation of the order, how to verify that he has not yet sent the parcel

According to the rules of the site, the buyer may refuse to buy exactly until the seller cannot send the parcel. This is if a honest seller caught you, who watches his ranking and will not spoil his unsuccessful deals, it is easier for him to agree with your conditions and forget about it. But if the seller does not want to lose profit (especially if the goods cost more than $ 10), then he can go fraudulently and inform you that just sent the parcel, but still did not have time to specify it in the order.

Calculate it is easy - just ask the seller to provide you with a real track number. In the posts, it is best to indicate that if the seller send you a "fake" track, then you will be forced to report this administration Aliexpress and open a dispute. Sometimes it helps to "get up" a cheater immediately, the seller will not risk and agree to cancel the order and return funds.

But, if the seller rejected the cancellation and sent you a normal track at first glance, and after time you found that he is "non-working", stopped tracking or the parcel is at all goes to another addressee, then you should not slow down and you need to immediately open the dispute. In a special window, specify the reason for the dispute - "No Tracking Information" and, as evidence, attach screenshots of your correspondence with the seller. The administration carefully monitors its wards and "punishes" the sellers of sellers or even blocking the account.

When the money comes

Paid funds after successful cancellation of the order are usually returned within two weeks at that expense from which fees occurred. But so that you will not have such problems in the future - always thoroughly analyze your purchases, weigh everything "for" and "against" and pick the goods that you really need.

Good shopping!
