Use bank cards conveniently. Especially when paying purchases in online stores. But for a number of reasons, the user will want to untie his card from the account on Aliexpress. How to make it detail in detail in this article.
How to untie the map on Aliexpress?
Pay for purchases on Aliexpress Convenient from a bank card. Conducting this procedure, you can notice the offer from the system to bind your credit card to Aliperey. Such a proposal enters each user of a major trading network. This allows you to tie a map and upon subsequent acquisitions, you will no longer need to enter payment data. Events can take shape so that a person wants to untie the card (expired, fearing for the safety of its means and data, etc.). You can do it. Next, we'll tell you how.
How to untie a bank card on Aliexpress?
Remove the map C. AliexpressSo remove it from Aliperey. The process of dischapping the map is as follows:
- We go to the Alipay Personal Cabinet.
- We enter into the Settings tab (Settings).
- In the menu opened menu, select "MANAGE CARTY".
- After that, the window opens, in which you need to click the "Delete Card" button next to your card.
Performing these actions allows you to quickly delete your card from the payment system Aliperey. If necessary, you can always attach the map.
How to untie the map on Aliexpress without alipei?
This option is also possible. By the way, on such deleting card It will take less time. To do this, go to your mailbox and find a link. It comes with the payment system when making the payment and attachment of the card, respectively. Next, in your browser, you open an empty tab and in the search string copy the found link. After that, the page opens your account in the payment system Aliexpress. Next, you need to go to the Map Edit tab and delete your credit card data. That's how fast and simple.
How to untie the map with Aliexpress on mobile?
If you use the mobile application to untie the map and there. To do this, open the application on your smartphone. Next, follow the paragraphs of the instructions:
- open the menu;
- choose the section "My Profile";
- after that, select the "My Certifications" item and in the menu that opens click on the inscription "My bank cards";
- we find the required card and click the Delete button.
After that, you will need to confirm your solution and all data cards will be deleted.
How to untie a credit card from Aliexpress?
You can reject the card without specifying personal data (information from the passport, phone number, email). To do this, you need to enter the online shopping area and open the empty tab. In the address bar, type the following address Next, click Search, after which the window opens AlipereyAnd immediately opens a page with information about attached maps. You must click "Delete the map" and the case is done.
The article tells how you can delete your card data from Aliexpress. Taking advantage of the information of the material you can untie the bank card both on the website of the trading platform and in the mobile application. Enjoy the shopping.
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Old map world worked. I made about 100 purchases on it. Received a new one. Payments do not pass. Why? What is your difference from which card to write off the money? Why is it impossible to remove the old world map and add a new one?
Dear. You can get answers to such questions, where the world map received, and also at the Aliexpress administration.