Where to change the map to Aliexpress?

One of the most convenient ways of payment is a bank card. Moreover, with frequently performed operations, you can bind it to your account. In this article, we will tell you how to change the card or its validity period Aliexpress and in the application.

How to change the payment card on Aliexpress?

There are situations when the user shopping ground Wants to untie their card. This may be required for various reasons. There are two ways. First you can use the account  Aliperey. Enter the "My Aliexpress", Then select" My Alipay ".


After that you will need to edit cards. To carry out an operation requires registration in this payment system. Should be explained that all payments on Aliexpress go through Aliperey. And after a perfect payment, the system will offer to tie a map. With the consent of this, your card will attach at the same time not to register. For changes related to the card, registration will be required. To register, you will need to specify your initials completely, and the passport number. Next you need to go to the "Editing Maps" tab.


Here you can make changes to the card data or delete it.


The second method is available when paying for the order on the trading platform itself. When you go to payment, you will see the standard window in which it is proposed to carry out an operation of the available card or other way. Select the second option and enter the data of another card. It will also be offered to bind, after which you can use Aliperey.


Where in the application Aliexpress Change card

Much popularity acquired mobile version Site. Very convenient and quickly you can buy the necessary item using the phone. Mobile version users can also make changes to the card data. Next, let's tell you how to do it.

how to change the map Aliexpress on the phone?

To change these cards, open the application and open the "my profile". Next, go to the item "My Banking Cards". Here you will find data cards with which the means for the purchase are listed. To remove the card, click the same button. If you need to make data from another credit card, click "Add". Before you make any changes, think well. After all, after any actions, the mobile application is synchronized with the site of the trading platform. Accordingly, the changes will be taken everywhere. You can change the information an unlimited number, so in case of loss or end of the map, you can change everything using a smartphone.


How to change the validity of the card on Aliexpress?

As mentioned earlier, the card can be tied to aliperey And if necessary, edit its data. In addition, there is another way.

It is the easiest and requires the following actions:

  • We choose the goods, regardless of that we wish to purchase it or not. Let's put in the basket.
  • We choose the item "order from this merchant" after which the page will open to make a purchase. We are interested in the third item "Payment method" in which you choose "use another card". After the item is marked appear to fill data.
  • Fill in all graphs and go to the payment if you want to order this thing. If not exit and remove the thing from the basket.

After that, the system will save the data entered and the details of another card will appear in the personal data of the user.


How to change the map on Aliexpress default?

Quite an interesting question. The default card can be considered by the one with which you most often paid for purchases. As we know the term of maps is limited to a few years, so it is impossible to pay for its expiration. You should add a new card. For this we go to the settlement system aliperey And delete the previous map data. After that, specify the number and validity period of another card. After that, the system will remember it and synchronizes with data on the site. Now you have a different card by default.

This article describes in detail how to work with cards on Aliexpress. Using the information of the article, you can change the data or remove the bank card from the resource at all. Enjoy the shopping.
