
What are the statuses of sending Aliexpress? Translation and decoding. How to check the parcel status?

Made  purchase  on  Aliexpresseach  customer  located  v  expectancyAt this time, the majority are wondering, at what stage their parcel is. To deal with this question will help the statuses of parcels. Now let's tell you what they designate.

The status of the parcel Aliexpress, what does the parcel status?

Status This is the designation of the state of your order. On it can be found that in real time it happens with yours departureShe sent or returned for any reason, was customs clearance or not. As you can see, he carries a lot of information, it is only necessary to read correctly. We further describe in detail what means each status separately.


What statuses has a parcel during movement (translation into Russian and decrypt all statuses)?

V  very  beginning  necessary  divide  statuses  on  two  categories:

  1. v  point  departure ( on  territory  intended);
  2. v  point  destination ( v  ours  case  v  Russia).

sov  first  case  you  see  next  statuses:

Collection, Acceptance (collection, reception) - He says that the parcel is directed to the post office. It will not be possible to track it immediately even if the track is issued to you. Wait a bit, about 10 days and you can see everything.
Opening (sending sent to a transit point) - Opposite this status, the point index of the item can be located, with such messages can be somewhat and they appear not in order. Do not be surprised if such an inscription appeared already after sending the order, this is due to the non-painting of operators of processing items.

Dispatching (Arrival in MMPO, Processing) - This inscription indicates that the order is preparing for exports to the recipient country. For many courier services, this status is the last to view the location.
Departure from Outward Office Of Exchange, Total Export (Export) - The parcel passed customs and left China.

After  of this  must  pass the  time  to  departure  start  view  v  country  destinationAt  it is  you  will be able to  see  next  statuses:

  • Import ( import) –  departure  came  v  country  receipt.
  • Reception  on  customs –  departure  on  customs  for  registration.
  • Release  with  customs –  registration  passed  successfullyand  package  prepare  to  departure  with  MMPO.
  • Posted from an international exchange (MMP) - The parcel was received by the postal service of the country.
  • Posted  with  sorted  center –  status  means  shipping  parcel  addressing.
  • Profit  instead of  receipt –  departure  came  on  your  mail  and  her  can  take.
  • Product  Delivered ( Used  addressing) –  recipient  took away  mine  order.

By  listed  status  you  you can  calmly  wait  mine  order  and  get  his  on  handsBut  there is  statuses  quite  unpleasant  recipientO  them  too  costs  mention.

sonot good  statuses  parcel:

  • Return under other circumstances - indicates that the parcel is returned to the seller, and the reason for this must be found out. To do this, it is best to call the hot line of the postal service of the recipient country (Russian Post) 8-800-2005-888 and then think what to do next.
  • Customs Return - the parcel is also returned to the merchant, the reason for this can be a poorly specified address (written inseparable).
  • The attempt of delivery failed - and in this status there must be a reason for which the departure is not received by the addressee (this may be an incomplete address, a person does not live at this address, the postal code is indicated with an error and others). In this case, you will have 30 days to receive the parcel, it is such a number of days it will be stored in the mail.
  • Shelf life has expired. Return is the consequences of the previous item. After the expiration of the 30 day term and send it to the sender.
  • Failure. Solution - indicates that the parcel is not sent to the post office and redirect it. Nothing terrible, just need to follow the way.

Now  you  will be able to  on  status  definewhat  occurs  with  yours  departure  and  accept  measures  v  case  controversial  situation.

How  to know  status  parcels?

Find out the status of your shipment simply. For a start we go to Aliexpress And in the "My Orders" section, we choose the goods you are interested in. After that, we go to the tracking site and enter the track in the window. Press the "Track" button and after some time we view the result. You can see the tracking example below. As a rule, all information is issued in a tabular form, indicating the date and time of each status.


Why  for a long time  not  changes  status  parcels?

Reasons  similar  situation  maybe  to be  severala  exactly:

  • the  not  filed  v  base  data  postal  services  and  resources  on  tracking;
  • package  imported;
  • departure  delayed  on  customs;
  • overload  mail  in view of  festive  days;
  • delay  updates  baz  data  on  tracking;
  • package  uther.

Any of these reasons is unpleasant. There are two behaviors. The first is waiting for 10 days to work the track number. After that, we associate with the merchant or begin the dispute, requiring full refund. The second option, if you see that changes occur in the status, indicates that the order was expelled. Whatever it happened to it, it is impossible to open the dispute until the order protection time will not end. It remains to wait and when it remains a few days before the end of the progress of the order to request its extensions. Can Start sporrows With the seller, and make a complaint that a lot of time has passed, and the package is all. As a result, you will return the full price of things and all the same where the parcel is.


Where  verify  status  parcels?

You can the status of your parcel on any tracking resource or on the website of the National Postal Service. To do this, go to the resource of the postponement and in the right corner we see a window for entering the track number. Copy it there and press the "Track" button.


After that, all available information in the form of a table will appear on the screen. It looks as follows. So easily and just you check the status of your parcel.

This article tells about status parcels. Their names and translations are given. It is said about how to enroll in the situation when status does not change for a long time. Using the information of the article, you can find out not only the status, but also decipher it. Enjoy the shopping.
