
How to pay for an order to aliexpress in cash

We are accustomed to paying for purchases from online stores by bank cards or with electronic wallets. But, few people know that Aliexpress You can pay in cash. Fortunately for many since last year it became possible to pay for the order in cash. About how to do this will be discussed in this article.

Is it possible Aliexpress Pay for cash


After all, there are a number of cases when it does not turn out differently:

  • no card;
  • a person does not want to leave data about himself and payment funds on the Internet;
  • it is impossible to pay from the mobile account.

Cash has its advantages and disadvantages. They must be mentioned.

To the positive features include:

  • safety of the transaction, because Requisites of cards and electronic wallets do not appear;
  • the Commission is not charged;
  • each settlement has an Euroset and connected communication salons.

Disadvantages include the following items:

  • for payment you need to get to the terminal, without leaving the house it will not work;
  • information about the passage of payment does not appear immediately, it can pass a few days, which causes anxiety;
  • there is a temptation to spend money not for its intended purpose.

Therefore, weigh everything for and against before agreeing to this method of payment. Now let's tell you in detail how and where it can be paid in cash.



Where you can pay in cash Aliexpress

Suppose you have no bank card and e-wallet. Buying goods by site. You cannot pay in these ways and only cash is available to you. It is quite possible. Choose the goods you like on the site and make a purchase. After going to his payment, choose "other payment methods" and celebrate "cash payment". After that, the window will open in which you need to enter your cell number and click the Next button. After that, a message will come to the phone with the order number and its value. Now you can go to the nearest communication salon (connected, Euroset). The next step will be direct payment that can be conducted through the terminal (we will tell about this) or at the cashier.

In the latter case:

  • come to the cashier and report that you need to pay things purchased on Aliexpress;
  • we provide him with the order number and its price;
  • we check the details of the payment;
  • we pay for the goods and get a check that needs to be saved.

After that, the merchant will send the parcel and will only wait for her receipt.


What time is given to pay for the order with Aliexpress Cash

Your attention when paying cash must be paid to following things:

  1. for the payment of the goods two days allocate and after this period, the order will be canceled;
  2. be sure to keep the check while the payment will not be processed on the site, it can reach 7 days;
  3. do not change the phone number, because If you have problems or returning parts from the amount of purchase, the money will be transferred to the phone account.

Now you know for what time you need to pay and how much checks should be kept.


Payment through the terminal (step by step)

The second way is to pay through the terminal. To do this, select the device connected or Euroset.

Next, we perform the following an actions algorithm on the example of a connected terminal:

  • in the device menu, we find the item "Other services", then "catalog products" and in the listing of the list we find a trading platform, or we ask a search;
  • a window will open in which you need to fill in the fields with the order number and phone, after clicking "Continue";
  • next, the scope will appear on the screen, it must be verified with the messages on the phone;
  • then we make money in the terminal bill acceptor and click "Pay";
  • if the amount made more than the cost of the goods, the difference can be returned about the mobile phone;
  • if there are problems with payment Fashionable contact support by phone 8 (495) 788-62-20 or you can send a message to the electronic address [email protected].

After that, it is worth viewing on the resource whether the payment was held, and receiving the track number track the path of the parcel.


Order amount that can be paid through the terminal

There are limitations when paying through the terminal. So the minimum cost of the order must be 10 rubles, and the maximum no more than 15,000 rubles. If your purchase does not apply for these criteria, refer to the communication salon cashier and it will finish the operation manually. Be careful and pay attention to the purchase price.

Whether the Commission is taken when paying for cash

This is good news for many, the Commission when paying for cash orders from the trading platform is not charged. Therefore, you can safely pay the goods in this way.

How to return money if payment of the order is cash and where money will come if the order is canceled if the parcel did not come if the dispute is open

This situation is possible, so you need to know what to do in this case. For return value No need to contact the salon where payment was made, because Money is listed to the phone account. Therefore, carefully specify it when paying. After that, another question arises, what to do with the amount listed. Many operators offer services for the transfer of funds about a bank card or send them with money transfer. If this is not possible, you can do otherwise and transfer money from the phone account to your name using Unistream systems, the leader, contact. There is one nuance that with this transaction method you need to pay a commission of 1.5%, which is written off from the account of your phone. Or just leave money on the balance sheet. Any option is acceptable.


Is payment by cash on delivery possible with Aliexpress without prepayment

Unfortunately, this kind of payment is not provided and mistakenly compare it with cash. Cash on delivery is a payment on the fact of obtaining an order in the mail. The trading platform is the prepayment system, when the goods and delivery is paid immediately. To implement the cash on delivery system, you need to remake the entire business model. Aliexpresstherefore such changes are not foreseen.

This article describes in cash payment method. Weigh all for and against. In addition, it is said about where exactly can be paid for the order, and in addition, a detailed payment instruction is given through the terminal. Taking advantage of the advice of the article, you can quickly pay cash for things from the trading platform. Enjoy the shopping.
