One of the most important hardware parts of the computer or a portable laptop is a hard disk, or how it calls it - winchester. This device is intended for long-term storage of operating systems used by programs, as well as other materials that may be a certain importance for their owner.
Modern hard drives Different with great performance, as well as, is important, with a container. It is from these two factors that the cost of this equipment depends.
Catalog of types of hard drives on Aliexpress
The catalog of hard drives in the Aliexpress catalog can easily be found on the world-famous trading platform. To do this, from the main page Aliexpress It is necessary to go to the full section of all categories where it is worth choosing " Computers and Network Equipment". In this section we go to " Computer components", Where in the subcategories choose the necessary category" Internal hard drives«.
Today Catalog hard disks There are more than 7,000 different models that are conveniently divided into the following criteria:
- interface type;
- speed;
- the size;
- capacity;
- application;
- cache.
When choosing hard diskFirst of all, pay attention directly to the goal and where it is planned to be used. Most used winchesterin computers and various laptops, however, they are very popular in gaming consoles where various games for consoles are installed. For use of everything hard drives can be divided into the following types:
Secondly during the choice winchester in Aliexpress catalog Buyers pay attention directly to the volume that is inside. Therefore, in terms of volume, such a device will be divided into the following types of which will depend on the amount of information that can be placed on the disk:
external hard drive
Recently, external is particularly popular hard driveswhich serve as a storage device information. In addition to the usual transfer and storage, with such hard disk You can easily view video files, as well as listen to audio materials.
Today on the portable digital technology market there are 2 types external hard mediawhich differ in their size: 2.5 and 3.5 inches. The main distinguishing feature, in addition to the size of the device, is the ability to connect it to power. If 2.5 inch external winchestersufficiently get food through a USB port, then 3.5 inch hDD It will require a separate nutrition. 3.5 inches feed on winchester From a separate power supply.
When choosing outdoor hard disks Attention should also be paid to the manufacturer who can provide a guarantee for quality work. After all, the slightest failure in the work of the external hard disk It can lead not only to the device breakdown, but also to the loss of data stored on them.
7 mm Hard disk
Ultra-thin line hard disks appeared not so long ago. Height winchesterfor laptops was changed only by 2 mm, and amounted to only 7 mm. New series ultrathtky hard disks It differs not only to ease and smaller dimensions, but also high performance.
Such disksthey became more reliable, as well as more economical. Energy consumption of 7 mm hard disks It was significantly reduced, and also increased impact resistance. Due to certain changes in the mechanisms, a significant reduction in noise level was achieved. As for external changes in the design, all connectors remained standard, which will allow the installation of more subtle hard disks On earlier models of laptops.
hard disk 1 TB
Thanks to hard disks Large volume has the opportunity to store a practically unlimited amount of information in one place. This makes the use of such equipment more functional, since it is the information that is an important thing that needs not only to store, but also to transfer and distribute, as well as to work with it directly from the carrier.
1 TB Winchester Today it takes particularly popular because the amount of information is growing, the quality of video materials increases significantly, which leads to a gradual increase in their total volume.
Increase volume hard disks does not lead to an increase in the size of the carrier itself, through the use of newer technologies for creating such a carrier.
Today, the most popular operating system in the world for the usual user is Windows 7, which can easily be installed on winchesterlarge volume. For big usability hDD, with an installed operating system, divide into logical partitions. Since Windows 7 receives constant updates, therefore, it will be better to highlight the logical partition from 100 GB of free space for it. This will allow not only easy to fit the most installed operating system, but also for all the desired programs.
laptop hard drive
HDD disk for laptops - Internal memory of the computer, which represents the most important element of the computer, without which its normal functioning is impossible. On hDD Installing not only operating system, but also additional software. Also on HDD diskyou can store various information, handle it, transfer and work with it.
HDD For a laptop has a tight design as winchesterfor computer. However, constructively in computers are installed hard drives with a size of 3.5 inches, while in laptops less overall discs with a size of 2.5 inches are used.
Also when choosing hard disk For a laptop, pay attention to the cache size, which is used in a specific laptop model. It is this value that will be maximally responsible for performance. winchester. Since, for gamers and those who work with a large amount of data will be very important to have high-speed work.
sATA hard disk interface
Today it is developing and improving the data interface between hard disk and hardware of computer or laptop. The most common interface used in winchesteris SATA 2. This interface has become the second in the ruler, which came to the SATA change. However, I would like to note that SATA 3 has already begun to go out, the performance of which is significantly higher and is equal to 6 Gb / second. The speed in the third generation SATA has become 50% higher.
All these 3 types of interface hard disk Connected using a special 8-PIN connector, which allows data exchange at such a speed.
Computer motherboard - This is a complex technical board that has a multilayer structure. At the expense of special technology maternal printed fee Received a much smaller volume, which made it possible to install it in the case of a small size. In conversational speech motherboard called "motherboard". Exactly motherboard It is the basis of the entire computer, since all additional components are installed on it: hard disk, processor, video memory, RAM and other components. Motherlandallows all components of the computer to interact with each other.
Despite the same principle of work, but differences motherboards Inside the computer and laptop there are certain differences. In the housing of any laptop, a significantly smaller amount of free space, therefore, the size of the printed circuit board must be significantly less. To solve these tasks, manufacturers were able to integrate individual peripherals, such as video cards.
The size rAM of computer memory, or how else is it called RAM - Operational Storage Devicedirectly affects the speed of the computer. Today the most common size random access memory is 4 GB. However, an essential part of computers and laptops has a much larger memory.
RAM It works only during the filing voltage on it. During computer operation, all the information used and the working software code enters rAM For quick processing.
Customer Reviews Price-Quality
E *** y Z. The parcel came very quickly in just 20 days from Luxembourg to Arkhangelsk. According to the description, all coincided. Packed normally in the package, I thought it would be in the box. The disk reached the whole, check showed that there is no failure. Despite the fact that our mailers with such packages are probably not ceremony. Windows got up without any problems. I ordered for an ancient laptop, but everything works.
Aleksandr I. Came a TOSHIBA disk. There was absolutely new, even in the package. Checked, broken sectors are missing, which is very pleased. The recording speed on different laptops shows different, on one 15 MB / s, it starts on the second from 27 and falls to an end to 17 MB / s. I am satisfied with the purchase, I use as an outer hard drive. Although the volume could be ordered and a little more.
M *** A A. Delivery to Kazakhstan was just 14 days, which is very good and fast. The product description was accurate, the seller sociable, sent an order on the first day after my payment. Packed in the pupil film well. Although it was possible to pack a little better for reliability. SAMSUNG hard drive came. I have not checked it for performance, but I hope that everything will be fine. In general, the seller is reliable, I recommend.
How to order a hard disk on Aliexpress
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