Hair cutting trimmers for Aliexpress

Today, the concepts of the appearance of men and women are constantly changing. If not so long ago, the men went to the hairdresser only in order to just look good and have a neat look, today they try to follow their appearance today and pay special attention to every detail. Representatives of the strong sex are already doing this on exactly with women, and the variety of hairstyles has become much larger.

Modern men walk to the hairdressers and beauty salons so that the hairdressers and stylists can do is not easy banal hairstyle and cut under the "pot", and in order to be more stylish and fashionable.

Resorting the use of a special device that is called title trimmerHairdressers can make a man edging, swing whiskey or make any pattern on the head. This is an incomplete list of what can be done using the device - trimmer. And with sufficient skills, you can do it yourself.

Catalog of types of trimmers for hair cutting on Aliexpress

Today catalog Trimmer on Aliexpress There are more than 2500 diverse goods. Such a number is much superior to ordinary and local online stores, which allows you to choose a trimmer for yourself much easier.

In order to get into the trimmer catalog on the trading platform Aliexpress, It is necessary on the main page of the site to choose the category "Beauty and Health". After you bring the cursor, in the drop-down menu choose " Hair care and laying". In the page that opens should be selected category " Tools for laying", After which they choose" Trimmers«.

To date, the total number of all kinds of such tools for care and styling hair Aliexpress is more than 2500 units. Here are different trimmers From all sorts of manufacturers, in greater unknown brands. However, quality trimmer For various uses, it is possible to easily pick up for your needs. And reasonable prices will make it even more joy.

trimmer for nose

Trimmer for nose - an excellent tool that will allow the user to get rid of extra vegetation inside the nose. If we consider the model range trimmersYou can select 2 types: a separate tool for removing hair from the nose or a special nozzle that dresses on the trimmer.

Such a device like trimmerYou must reuse daily, or at least once every two days. Otherwise, the result of using such a device can be laid. After all, cropped hair grow faster than intact. Since the procedure does not take much time, it will be possible very quickly, while shaving.

trimmer for nose and ears

Such a tool like trimmer for nose and earswill be the necessary tool for getting rid of excess hair. Nozzles for removing excess hair in the nose has the same structure as the shearing nozzle in the ears. Despite this, it is recommended to choose trimmers with individual nozzles, due to the compliance of personal hygiene rules.

The cost of this devices It can differ significantly and depend on both the manufacturer, its capacity, or the number of nozzles in the configuration to this unit.

hair cutting trimmer

The most successful option for creating an interesting and individual hairstyle for both men and women is to use the device - trimmer. This device can create various drawings on the head that can be isolated from the crowd of any person, emphasize its individuality and uniqueness.

It will be very interesting to use for children who love to boast before peers, making an excellent hairstyle.

The entire haircut procedure occurs with special nozzles that can go complete. Small cutting knives will be as quickly and painlessly remove the hair on a certain area, which opens up new opportunities in front of people.

When choosing trimmer You should pay attention to the cutting blades and the power of the device itself, as well as its complete set. In the production of modern similar devices use stainless steel blades, or ceramics. The question "What will last longer", also answer it difficult because manufacturers machine for haircut Improve the performance of each material used every year.

trimmer for a beard

Trimmer for a beard It will allow edging in the right areas of the body, including the beard. Most often it is not a separate device, but the same trimmer, in the configuration of which there is a special nozzle for a haircut of the beard.


This is a very convenient and compact device that feeds mainly from the battery built into it. However, experienced users are recommended to use more often when the wire is enabled. This will allow in the future to avoid problems with the possible replacement of the battery in trimmer itself and saving cash of her user.


More qualitative trimmers for beardthey have blades made of stainless steel with titanium spray applied on them, which makes them more sharp and durable with constant use.

trimmer for ears

It happens that there is no time to go to the hairdresser, and the awkwardness is manifested in such procedures from an alien person. And for the reason that it is necessary to produce a similar procedure once every 1-2 days, then the question of independent use trimmer At home.

Accordingly, the device will have to choose yourself. Trimmer It is a device similar to a conventional hair clipper, however, thanks to individual nozzles, it is used to remove unwanted hair in the ears and the nose. In addition to these use options, trimmer You can create all sorts of intimate hairstyles in the most frank parts of the body.

It is pretty simple equipment easy to use yourself, which makes it comfortable. After all, certain types of procedures, including to remove excess vegetation in the nose, should be carried out almost every day. Therefore, to have it at home will be a very successful option.

trimmer machine for haircut

Such. machine for haircut Allows remove hair from certain parts of the head, face, or other parts of the body where it is necessary to do. With the right choice, such a tool will serve for a long time and you will be satisfied with this purchase and its work.


With help trimmer Each man will be able to change his image and at the same time will not be needed to leave the house.


One of the more popular tools in catalog Aliexpress costs $ 18. This is absolutely waterproof devicewhich can be almost completely dipped into the water for full cleaning. Machine for haircut From the company Kairui is equipped with a special limiter, with which a certain height is set to the haircut. The height of the limiter is often varied from 4 to 30 mm. In addition, in the set there is a special brush for cleaning the trimmer from aggravated hair and hairbrush.


It works device from the usual network with power in 220 V.

trimmer for beard and mustache

Using special trimmer For a haircut of beard and mustache, you can make a real film actor. Creating beautiful hairstyles for the face, a great opportunity will appear to choose more appropriate style. After that, you can support yourself in great form yourself.

Having special houses trimmer, There will no longer be needed to visit the beauty salons and hairdressers. You can make yourself more stylish and fashionable now at any time yourself. To do this, it is necessary to have certain skills that you can work with a continuous use of a haircut machine.

Modern typewriters Possess a large number of functions whose use is quite simple. With their help, you can shorten the length of vegetation on the face, or create more original and individual style.

trimmer for Haircut Just A Trim

Just a Trim - This is one of the less expensive options for haircut trimmers, which can be found in catalog Aliexpress. It is compact and convenient deviceWith which you can make hair haircut on any part of the body. This is universal trimmer It is able to perfectly cope with even the most thick and hard hair on the head, to swing the mustache and beard, make an edging on the back of the back and shorten or firing the bundlebards.

Trimmer Just a TrimThe cost of only $ 5.5 is capable of making a high-quality intimate haircut in the most delicate places of your body. Despite small dimensions, he perfectly performs his work. However, with fast movements there are small ticking.

It feeds this device from two AAA batteries, which in the set, unfortunately, do not go. Therefore, they will have to buy them separately, or better acquire them in advance.

Among the advantages trimmer The following points can be noted:

  1. Small cost. It is difficult to find the cheapest version of Trimmer on Aliexpress, so you should pay your attention to it. Since the price / quality ratio here is met as possible.
  2. Quality assembly Trimmer allows to exploit its considerable time. Since the design of this device is pretty simple, then there is nothing to break here.
  3. Good result haircuts. Just a Trim Stripping very well, regardless of the scene of the haircut.
  4. Trimmer Just a Trim It will not be replaced by a hairdresser, but will be able to save pretty well at its services.
  5. Small power consumptionTherefore, and savings on buying new batteries.

From the whole list of advantages of this trimmer, he has only one drawback - the tips of the hair are quite tough immediately after the perfect haircut, but over time they become more pleasant to the touch.

trimmer for dogs

The appearance of your pet is important. Would you like to have a dog that will pay attention to every passerby? This will easily help a special device - trimmer for haircut Dogs.

When choosing such a modern device, you should pay your attention to the number of haircuts capable of making using a specific model. trimmer.

Outwardly this trimmer It has the same appearance as for a man's haircut, but has a more durable blade, since the amount of wool and its rigidity significantly exceeds human.

Customer Reviews Price-Quality

Buyer's review is the most accurate description for future purchase. Therefore, it is mandatory to pay attention to the reviews.

Aleksandr R. Good typewriter, face perfectly! Fast shipment and delivery. Everything corresponds to, current is not a single word in Russian or on one piece of paper. But generally satisfied with the seller thanks.

Nikita L. Super easy! No words. I thought it would not be very, but the parcel came safely and preservation. Came charged. But not fully enough to check and I liked it. Thank you to a huge seller! I recommend ordering here if you need a good machine!

Y *** y F. The machine is just super! Exterior view! Tried. It works very quietly. Strite perfectly! Full delight! The seller sent the goods quickly. The parcel went through the Netherlands. To Vladivostok for 22 days. Packed very carefully. Nothing was remembered. The seller is very sociable and responsible. Nice to work with him. Put small gifts. Thanks to him!

How to order a trimmer for hair cutting on Aliexpress

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