
Plants Seeds on Aliexpress

Plants always served as a universal decoration not only the garden, but also the interior of the house. They can fill the space with bright colors and a unique aroma. In addition to colors, it became very popular to grow plants that are not characteristic of the Russian climate. To acquire seeds, it is not necessary to visit specialized stores. Enough to go to the site Aliexpress and order the seeds you need. Favorable offers from sellers will make the purchase very pleasant.

Catalog of plant species and seeds for Aliexpress

On the site shopping ground You can find seeds of various plants: colors; algae; indoor plants. All of them are very beautiful and diverse. From exotic seeds you can grow a real tree and enjoy its fruits. Planting the seeds of vegetables, you can grow and collect a rich harvest from your beds. And a variety of flowers will decorate your home and a household site.

Flower seeds

In the site catalog you can find seeds of various types of colors. All of them are very beautiful and possess a bright personality. For example, seeds are presented in the catalog. dolphinium. These are very beautiful, small flowers located on the plant stem. Plant bilateer, which is very convenient. This flower may be several colors:

  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • pink.

On the site you can order both seeds of one color and mix material from different colors.


You can also find and clematis. Very beautiful flowers, your appearance resembling stars. Due to the fact that Clematis is a curly plant, it is very often used for decoration of arbors, veranda and arches on the plot. Clematis bloom pretty early and this period continues all summer. They will decorate your yard and will delight the eyes. Seeds are packed in a dense package in the amount of 50 pieces.



The man has long been decorating his house with various indoor plants. It can be bright flowers or dwarf trees. V catalog The site is presented a large selection of plants for interior decoration.

seeds of indoor flowers

Also in the site catalog you can find seeds of beautiful room plants. For example, such as anthurium Unique rose green. Anthurium is a perennial plant that is great for homemade cultivation. As a rule, seeds shoot 5-7 days after landing at a temperature of about 20-25 ° C. Behind the plant is very easy to care for. Spring flowering period. Seeds are packaged in bags of 100 pieces in each.


Still in the catalog are seeds Amarillis. This is a very beautiful flower, a somewhat large colors are blooming on a fleshist stem. They can be different color:

  • orange;
  • pink;
  • white pink.

Seeds shoot in 5-7 days at a temperature of 15-20 ° C. This perennial plant does not require special care, blooms mostly in the summer. Amarillis will decorate your home and create an atmosphere of heat and comfort.


Exotic plants

Recently, it became very popular to grow at home exotic plants, the birthplace of which are tropical forests or subtropical territories. It can be flowering plants and succulents. It can also be tropical fruiting plants.

exotic seeds

So in the catalog you can find plant seeds called Calceolaria. This is not a high plant with a large flower of saturated yellow orange. This plant loves a cool and wet climate. It is preferable to plant seeds into the sandy soils rich in humus. Calceolaria is suitable for both homemade cultivation and garden decorating.


You can also find seeds of dwarf trees. For example, longan. This is a perennial plant from subtropics. The plant brings the fruit of round shapes that hang clusters on branches. The flesh of the fetus is transparent and reminds grapes in its consistency. The taste of the fruit of Longan is like fault on the fruits of lychee, but has a more tough taste and less sweetness. The plant has a thick crown of dark green. Ripening fruit occurs from July to September. Seeds are offered in packages of five pieces in each.


Vegetable seeds

Seeds of vegetables are very popular among Dacniko and Gardeners. The site catalog contains a large selection of planting material. For example, tomatov seeds Under the name "Bullie Heart". Fruits are large, have pink color. The taste of these tomatoes are very pleasant and not water waters. The weight of individual fruits can reach a kilogram. This variety is well cut into salads or bake, having previously puffed it to your taste. Seeds are packaged in bags of 100 pieces in each.


In addition to the seed, the tomato in the catalog of the trading platform are represented and cucumbers. For example, grade "granddaughter". It is great for the Russian climate. The fruits are medium, have bright green. The cucumbers are embedded in the trunk of the plant. This variety is very harvest and great for home canning. Seeds are offered in bags of 30 pieces in each.


You can still find melon seeds. Fruits have a round shape with yellow-green leather. The pulp has a pleasant honey taste and a pleasant cream shade. Sprouts appear in 2-3 weeks after landing. It is very simple to grow melon, it is necessary to monitor watering. Your work will be rewarded with fragrant and sweet melons from your own garden.


Aquarium plants seeds

In the site catalog, in addition to seeds of flowers, dwarf trees and vegetable crops, you can find the planting material for aquarium. Live algae Not only decorate it, but also serve as an additional source of food in the inhabitants of the aquarium. For example, algae with wide and long leaves will greatly decorate your aquarium. Leaves and stalks of plants are fragile and require careful care. This aquatic plant does not tolerate straight, bright sunlight. Seeds are packaged in bags of 100 pieces in each.


Still decorate your aquarium water banana. The plant is not whimsical, grows well. Stems thin, the leaves have a rounded shape, slightly wavy. Externally is very similar to a simple banana. Seeds are sold by packing 500 pieces. Such an original plant will become an interesting and unexpected solution in the decoration of the aquarium.


Flower plants

Flowers attract all in plants. They can be an unusual shape or bright colors. Have an excellent fragrance and give a good mood to others. In the site catalog, there are a lot of suggestions of plant seeds with beautiful flowers and a long period of flowering. For example, red Fuchsia It has bright colors in the form of lanterns. This is a perennial plant that begins to bloom at the end of summer and continues the period of flowering all autumn. Behind the plant is very easy to care enough to water as necessary and take care of the strong heat. This flower is perfect for the garden or balcony. Seeds are sold in packing 100 pieces each.


You can also find seeds of hydrangea. Its small flowers are located in the shape of a ball and have a rich blue color. Hydrangea is a small shrub blooming predominantly in spring. It is great for landing in the gardens. Seeds germinate 10 days after planting at a temperature of about 25 ° C. Seeds are packed in bags of 100 pieces.


Rare Seeds

In the catalog of the trading platform you can find seeds of rather rare plants. For example, Seeds Sakura For landing in a slide or in the garden. The plant blooms very beautiful flowers of gentle pink color with a thin aroma. Plant perennial. There are 10 seeds in the package. Such a tree will decorate your garden in spring beautiful blossom.


Also in the catalog you can find seeds rare orchid, whose flowers look outwardly resemble a white heron. This plant is a perennial and long blooming. Flowers are located tightly on a thin stem. The plant loves moisture and the temperature is not higher than 25 ° C. You should also take it from direct sunlight. This orchid will decorate your home and will attract attention to others.


Customer Reviews Price-Quality

Natasha, 37 years old, Rostov -na Don.
Every year there is beautiful plants in the garden, I like it very much. Saw on Aliexpress Clematis seeds. I liked their bright color and what they are letting. I just needed to look the veranda. I took an order and began to wait for the parcel. The parcel came in a month and a half. At the sight of the seeds are good. I planted two types, but until they board. Very insulting, but I will wait for something to go. Probably next time I will go to the store. I will not recommend. Decide whether it is necessary to order seeds via the Internet.

Vladimir, 42 years old, Krasnodar.
I live in a private house and each year I plant a garden. It is pleasant to eat vegetables grown with their own hands on the garden. I bought seeds in stores, and this time I decided to order via the Internet. Bounded by Aliexpress And started viewing the catalog. I found a very good offer. Pleased with a detailed and clear description from the seller. Issued an order. The parcel came quickly. Seeds are well packaged, their number corresponds to the description on the site. I have not yet been saved, but I think there will be no problems. I am very satisfied. Recomend for everybody. Order, you will not regret.


How to order seeds to Aliexpress

Everything is simple enough. For a start we go to the site Aliexpress And choose in the category "category" subparagraph "Watch all".


After that, the page opens a complete list of categories of goods. After that, in the category "For home and garden", we choose the item "Garden accessories". After that you will open a catalog of garden accessories and plants.

Unnamed 18.

To view the plant seeds, you need to select "Landscaping and Landscape Design" on the left side of the page in the "Gardening" column, after which you will open the seed directory.


Now you have to choose the necessary seeds and place an order. If the seller offers seeds of plants of several colors, it is necessary to note the desired, also do not forget to specify the number of packages.

This article describes the seeds of various plants from room colors to exotic species. This description is given with illustrations. Also describes in detail how to order the necessary seating material. Using the article information you can easily decide on the choice of seeds and order the desired product. Pleasant shopping.
