
Vacuum cleaners on aliexpress

An indispensable assistant in everyday cleaning, of course, is Vacuum cleaner. In each house, there must be such an electrical engineering, because modern technologies are made from a vacuum cleaner not just a dust collector, the latest vacuum cleaners Have a lot of useful and necessary functions that will not just make your cleaning, but also make the process interesting and fascinating.

Catalog of vacuum cleaners presented on the page of online store AlExpress

And so, I would like to submit you to the online store Aliexpresswhere you can find a wide variety of products from clothes, ending with various techniques. On the site Aliexpressyou can find a section dedicated to vacuum cleaners. There are a wide variety of vacuum cleaners with a variety of functions with a wide range of prices, where everyone will find an excellent vacuum cleaner on the pocket.

Let's try now to find a section with vacuum cleaners. First of all, you must go to the online store's main page Aliexpressand find all categories. Among the numerous categories, you will definitely find the category »Home Arrangement." This category has sections, you need to find a section called "Household appliances", this section, the same, has separation, you need to find a subsection "Famaly Appliances". In this subsection we find the "cleaning technique". Finally, in this subsection we find the cherished " Vacuum cleaners«.

This subsection has the possibility of filtering. From Lev, on the site there are parameters that can be set, thus, only those vacuum cleaners will be presented to your attention, which correspond to the specified parameters. But the parameters that can be set:

  • Certification;
  • Function;
  • Installation;
  • With a bag or without;
  • Type of;
  • Type of assembly of dust;
  • Special suction nozzle;
  • Remote control;
  • Colour;
  • Purification route;
  • Wire length;
  • Saving time;
  • Wall;
  • Type of goods;
  • LCD display;
  • Power.


Next will be considered more vacuum cleaners.

vacuum cleaners on remote control on Aliexpress

Robotic vacuum cleaners On remote control is a novelty in the world of consumer electronics. These amazing smart vacuum cleaners will become very comfortable helpers, because they are not just moving and collecting dust, such vacuum cleaners have several cleaning modes, such as removing stains, cleaning dust and cleaning the edge of products. Also, many models have a cleaning time setting. These intelligent vacuum cleaners may even independently connect to the ordinary device. Such dust collectors even have the function of the cleaning route.


Among numerous intelligent vacuum cleaners Each will find an assistant with the necessary functions and desired external design. Just follow the link and find your intelligent vacuum cleaner.

mixless vacuum cleaners on Ali Spress

All messenger vacuum cleanersthat are presented on AliexpressYou will find if set the parameter " Without sack". Here you will find vacuum cleaners with the most comfortable dust collections, it's a past with a dusty bag now.


handmade mini vacuum cleaner on Aliexpress

Incredibly comfortable compact vacuum cleaner For cleaning a small space. The vacuum cleaner has an elongated form of cane with a brush and two other nozzles for floor cleaning, carpet, furniture and curtains. The vacuum cleaner is almost silent and cleaned by pressing one button.


non-free vacuum cleaner Philips on Aliexpress

Thereby vacuum Cleaner Not only visual purity can be achieved, it purifies carpets and other surfaces from microscopic parasites, which are capable of causing allergic and other adverse reactions. This vacuum cleaner, also does not have a bag and cleaned very quickly and conveniently, without creating clouds of dust.


vacuum cleaners with air cleaning system from smells

Yes, on Aliexpress, as well, you can find vacuum cleanerswhich not only purify various surfaces from dust, but eliminate moisture and unpleasant odors.


vacuum cleaner with odor elimination system

Here is one of those models that are struggling with unpleasant odors. This model The vacuum cleaner not only cleans the different surface from dust and unpleasant odors, but also with high efficiency struggles with ticks and bacteria that live in carpet coatings. This is due to high temperatures and powerful suction.


Reviews of vacuum cleaners for Aliexpress. Ratio of price and quality for Aliexpress

On Aliexpresseach buyer has the opportunity to write a review about the ordered product. This is a very important and necessary information, because some unscrupulous sellers can send at all exactly what was presented in the product description. This is why it is necessary to carefully study all the reviews about the selected product.

Examples of reviews O. Vacuum cleaners on Aliexpress:

Yuliya P.
Ships from: Russian Federation Shipping: Russian Post-Russia
Testing 3 days. The main advantage that he gets away from everywhere itself. You can spin it for a long time, but the output finds, does not yell - cut out! When confused in a ironing board: threw off the brush and drove further. Well removes under beds and a high sofa. Something somewhere else to climb something and smoke there - in general, his horse. Disadvantages: 1. All time is looking for "5 Angle". Those. Focus on obstacles and along them prefers to move. Therefore, the center of the room remains places with garbage. 2. Who hopes that you can leave him to clean the house of one and come into a clean apartment - forget! She left - removed only that room, but thoroughly. It was too lazy to go on the garbage further, although aluminum bellows overcome without difficulty (photo 2). 3. The angles do not remove at all. Near the plinth too. 4. There are no logic movements - can move from the 1st room to the opposite, not really removing. 5. Constantly climbs under the shelf (photo 3), even shifted it. There was scratched. But the kitchen protrusion (photo 4) is generally afraid of fire.
23 May 2016 19:51
Supplemented reviews
Another 1, but a very significant minus: the seller does not send a check or a filled warranty card. Coupon empty. And on the service book warranty on it for 1 year. But there is no guarantee without printing seller. Those. Officially, this product is without warranty. The seller promised service, but as it is actually a big question (I am a lawyer). For myself, I developed the following cleaning algorithm: I close it alternately in each room for 5-10 minutes depending on the area. Where did not pass - the foot moves, if it remains time - let me in the sampling. But for 2-ki this time is about 5 minutes. Total charge is enough for 33 minutes. Charges 100 minutes. About buying so far I do not regret, I am a purse, although it is impossible to do this 33 minutes of cleaning, it is impossible to work, you need control. The fact that it is "fully automatic cleaning" causes a smile. Like other models - I do not know, nothing to compare with. Bought for 5116 in burning (and I consider it a great price). 11990 Now is unreasonably expensive. Red price - up to 8.5-9 thousand rubles.
24 May 2016 09:28

Marina T.
Ships from: Russian Federation Shipping: Russian Post-Russia
Received your robot on 12 day after ordering. The seller sent an order the next day after payment, but the mail of Russia held the package of 8 days, notice did not wait. But as always . The vacuumosk was already tested, the room 20 m removed in 20 minutes with a bang! Wool from the cat gathered 95%. Just well done. Very satisfied with the purchase. I think the assistant for every day is simply indispensable, especially for those who have pets. Thanks to the seller for such a price (taken for 5150). In our city now this model is sold in 11990. Therefore, I think it's just a gift. Once again, thanks to the seller.
24 May 2016 19:10

Katerina P.
Color: White Ships From: Russian Federation Shipping: Seller's Shipping Method - RU
Very pleased with the purchase! Fast delivery, the courier brought to go home! Everything works, the vacuum cleaner is easy, compact, a little hlipping handle, but it is not scary, carefully use and there will be no problems, it collects the dust, hair and large trash is a little worse, but but the small garbage collects five C +++! The sofa also vacuums perfectly, a comfortable nozzle with a small brush, very, very comfortable !!! Find for those who have little kids, moms know what crumbs are across the entire apartment, since 100 per day you have to carry a vacuum cleaner there - Sude, to be honest, already get tired of it insanely, but now it's not a problem, with this light, small, compact vacuum cleaner! In general, pleased with the purchase! The seller put a spare filter. Thank you to the seller for prompt and neat work! I recommend!
23 May 2016 01:31



How to order a vacuum cleaner from the online store AlExpress

And so, now let's see how to place an order from the online store Aliexpress:

  1. First you need to register on the site if you are not a user. It is very simple, you must fill out an ordinary form to register and log in via email.
  2. Next you need to decide on the choice of goods - in this case it vacuum cleaner. After decide on the choice, you need to send a vacuum cleaner to the "basket".
  3. Next you need to go to the basket and click on "arrange from this seller"
  4. Now you need to specify the address, choose the delivery method and go on.
  5. The next step is to decide on the payment method, they are on Aliexpressseveral, select the one that best suits you, specify the data and confirm the payment.
  6. Everything is ready, in the near future, after receipt of the payment, the seller will start assembling your order and will very soon send it. It remains only a little waiting;

We hope that our article has become useful for you and informative when choosing vacuum cleaner on Aliexpress. We wish you quick delivery and only quality products with the online store Aliexpress!

