Sooner or later, a set of tools appears in each house. And if you am a lover to repair or repair something in the house, then the acquisition of tools is also a small hobby. Find such sets on Aliexpress. Many keys, screwdrivers, hinges, heads are sold in single copies, as well as in sets. They are in a special tool catalog.
- Catalog of types of set of tools for Aliexpress
- Set of tools for cars
- Universal set of tools
- Professional tools
- Suitcase for instruments
- Electrician tool
- Plumbing tool
- Screwdriwer set
- Set of garden tools
- Children's set of tools
- Customer Reviews Price-Quality
- How to order a set of tools for Aliexpress
Catalog of types of set of tools for Aliexpress
This catalog includes a mass of all kinds of tools, it can be found both professional devices and amateur: for home, garden or automotive use. In a separate category, you will find even toy tools for young masters. When switching to the catalog you will be available to purchase the following goods:
- Set of tools for cars;
- Universal set of tools;
- Professional tools;
- Suitcase for tools;
- Electrician tool;
- Locksmith tool;
- Screwdriwer set;
- Set of garden tools;
- Children's set of tools.
Due to the various purpose of such heads, they will be in different categories:
- Set of tools for cars you will find in the group "Cars and motorcycles"—"Car care products". Next, in the category of category opened on the left side, it is necessary to choose from the proposed list the subject "Caring for tires."In the list that opens, select the tab "Tools for repair of tires." Your choice will be presented more than 3,000 tool options.
- The universal set of tools - will be delayed on the next way: "All categories" - "home arrangement" - " Instruments"-" Tool kits "- "Hand tools sets."
- Professional tools are in the same category as universal tools. "All categories" - "Home Arrangement" - "Tools" - "Tool Kits" - "Sets of manual tools". Only the circle of goods is a bit already. For selection, just over 400 items are available.
- Suitcase for tools - located in the category "Home Arrangement". From the main page Aliexpressit is necessary to go to "All categories" - "Arrangement of the House" - "Tools" - "Organizers for Tools" - "Tool boxes.
- Electrician tool. In order to purchase a set of an electrician, go to the following tabs "All categories" - "Home Arrangement" - "Tools" - "Tool Kits" - "Other tools sets".
- Plumbing tool - Among the tool catalog This type of appliances can be found in the "home arrangement" - "Tools" - "Manual Tools" - "Castles and Tools."
- A screwdriver set - this universal tool you will find in a special selected category "Screwdrivers". To do this, go "All categories" - "Home Arrangement" - "Tools" - "Manual Tools" - "Screwdrivers";
- A set of garden tools - located in the corresponding category "All categories" - "For home and garden" - "Other goods" or in a tab with all categories "-" home arrangement "- "Instruments".
- Children's set of tools - Toy tools are located in the All Categories tab - "Toys and Hobbies" - "Classic Toys" - "Role Play" - "Toy tools."
There is a good way to search for tools on Aliexpress. On the main page, exactly as on each other page of the site, at the top there is a search string. If you drive the name of the desired set of tools and click on the search icon, you will find a list with the devices found.
Also for searching for Aliexpressuse filters. They are located on the left side of each category. When searching, you can choose the size, diameter, metal quality and other necessary criteria.
Set of tools for cars
A set of tools for cars is available on sale on Aliexpressin different configuration. In some sets you will meet 12 tools, there will be 86 devices in others. But, first of all, it is necessary to determine which you need a set. From this will depend on the locality of the use of tools. On Aliexpressyou'll find:
- General autonabilities - as a rule, in a suitcase or bag with a set of tools The pliers are contained, adjustable key, several screwdrivers, multimeter, hammer, tape, construction knife and roulette. But the list of instruments is not limited to this. Perhaps, from different sellers it will be more equipped or anything will be absent from the specified tools;
- Mounting sets Magnitols - in such sets included metal puller intended for mounting or dismantling of the magnetol of different models;
- Sets of tools for deleting dents. V standard set By removal, the dentitin includes: adhesive gun, a set of adhesive cartridges, lining for straightening dents, handle-bracket. Also, this list can complement some components. From this will grow the price of a set;
- Sets for repair of automotive glasses. On sale in Chinese sellers are presented as glass removal setsso specialized cracks to remove cracks, chips. Depending on the selected supplier and the proposed price, the range assortment may vary;
- Sets for repair and scheduled maintenance. Among the mass of the presented tools, you will meet the replacement tools. consumables and all sorts of nodes and aggregates. For each set, the sellers presented a description of the kit, also make the photo of the product, which displays the objects of the set.
These tool kits are suitable for both lovers and professionals for working in auto repair and services.
Universal set of tools
Universal tools sets with Aliexpresscan be used for all occasions. Depending on the selected set, the number of tools in it will be different. Such a set you can find for a car, bike, electrician or locksmith. There are a lot of them.
For example, you can choose universal setfor plumbing and automotive work. Among the tools for thematic purposes (handles, sideboards, hinged cardanov, etc.) you will find those with the help of which you can make a simple repair of furniture, plumbing or something else. To do this, in each of the sets you will find screwdrivers or pliers.
Professional tools
Sets of professional tools Have a diverse package. The number of instruments in the case can reach 150, 180 or more units. Regardless of its purpose, professional kits are distinguished by high quality and durability. On Aliexpressthis type of tools is found in both cases and suitcases, and bags. They are convenient for storing work appliances.
Professional kits The set has all the necessary thematic inventory. Even those devices that have a narrow specialization. Therefore, such tools are designed more on professionals than lovers. But for home use such a kit is also good. Simply, some tools can not be useful at all.
As for the quality of data tools. The housing of each device is made of durable material, has processing and professional coating. For example, tools for working with electricity for all rules are insulated. Handles are made of dielectric materials.
Suitcase for instruments
Agree to the tool suitcase. On Aliexpressthere are so much that eyes scatter from choice. In the category with suitcases or "boxes", as Chinese sellers are called, it is fashionable to meet:
- Suitcase - looks like a suitcase for traveling. It has one large or several separated compartments. Closes on the castle or latch. As a rule, the material of the plastic case. Some species Suitcase there is a retractable handle and wheels, which makes it easier to transport the loaded boosted;
- Case - has a suitcase design, but the material can be metallic, plastic or leather. Has a castle on both sides, often encounter models with code or lockable on the key;
- Box. Plastic case and removable box cover contains several compartments for tools. In individual models, a niche for storage can be laid out from the inside;
- Bags - Covers - are intricate square. Inside there are compartments and pockets in which tools are placed. Outside there can also be separations for small things;
- Suitcases-lockers. In the general section with Suitcases There is also special lockers for storing tools. Several shelves, as well as boxes, quite seen several sets of tools. In addition, some models are equipped with wheels, which makes it easier to move the design.
It should be borne in mind that the suitcase is bought as a separate acquisition for already purchased tools. That is, you should know the volume of your tools. Then the box will be a useful purchase. Let it be better in it a little space for new tools than the space not enough.
In addition to the described varieties of suitcases in the catalog, cases for tools are presented, a hitch belts for the placement of instruments. All this can serve as a convenient addition when performing various works.
Electrician tool
Among the large range of electrician tools on Aliexpressyou will meet both basic devices and additional, which can only come in handy by professionals.
So, among the tools you will meet:
- Electrical screwdrivers. Sellers are on the sale of precisely those specimens that have high immractivity. As a rule, such screwdriversonly one tip remains open, the remaining area is covered with dielectric material. In stock There are both crosses and flat screwdrivers of different diameters. You will also find screwdrivers indicators that determine the presence of voltage in the network. In addition, Chinese sellers implement screwdrivers that can show current strength. To do this, they have a special monitor, which displays values;
- Pliers - presented in several versions. To twisting the wire, for crimping wires and for stripping the cable. The difference goes in diameter.
- Locking - in the implementation you will find those that snack wires and models for stripping wires. Different sellers have quality and material may differ.
- Nippers are another necessary tool for electricians who can be found on Aliexpress. Without it, it will be problematic to remove isolation from the wire;
- Measuring tools. These include multimeters, pliers, voltage pointer. All these devices indicate the presence of a voltage and its value.
All other tools include a universal knife, marker, roulette. For the additional work of professionals on Aliexpressperferetrators, straboresses, grinders, screwdrivers, hammers, wrench keys are still found.
Plumbing tool
Among flooring toolon Aliexpressbig sets of combined keys, plumbing hammers, pullers, forceps, extension cords and other devices are available. Sellers have in implementations, both piece tools and fitter's assembly sets. Also for professional watchmaking a choice specialized machines.
Screwdriwer set
Screwdrivers on Aliexpresspresented in a large assortment. They can be purchased both for domestic use and for professional work.
Types of screwdrivers on Aliexpress:
- Flat screwdrivers;
- Cross screwdrivers;
- Drums;
- For accurate works;
- Dynamometric;
- Typical screwdrivers;
- Special screwdrivers;
- Star screwdrivers;
- Indicator;
- Magnetic;
- Sets of bits and nozzles;
- Dielectric;
- Reversing screwdrivers;
- Rechargeable.
Set of garden tools
Gardening Tools on Aliexpressdiffer from the sets for the behavior of any repair. Here is a focus on land. Interpretation of garden fixtures looks different. For gardens you will find:
- Shovels;
- Rake;
- Forks;
- Secateurs;
- Sickles;
- Chippers and hoes;
- Garden saws;
- Salti.
Among other things, you may be interested in garden legs, forks, braids, special harvest devices and many other.
Children's set of tools
Children's tools sets on Aliexpressdesigned for children's role games. Here you can find even sets of tools in the suitcase, quite like adults. Themed is versatile. Each game set corresponds to the profession. For example, to work a mechanic, you can choose the plumbing tools; For electrician, special electrical installation devices; The same with hairdresser, doctor or carpenter.
By the way, in the same section, the tools for the game in the sandbox will be confrmed. Material of children's accessories Environmental plastic. Depending on the selected kit, the contents and price may differ.
Customer Reviews Price-Quality
Customer reviews depending on the quality of the material and the seller's decency may differ. Here is an example of reviews for pullers for car radio:
All buyers (from left 160 reviews) are satisfied with the quality, appearance, as well as the price of the goods. Among the dissatisfied, only those who have not received the goods remained. And then the seller compensated for them in full. The sellers of this plan can be ordered goods without feet.
As a rule, the tools are expensive goods. And many, before ordering it with the seller, are written off with him or carefully acquainted with the photo and description. But comments on the negative experience can be found. For example, in recalls for a set of magnetic screwdrivers, there were several buyers who had a screwdriver "mucated" faces.
How to order a set of tools for Aliexpress
To order the tools, go to the desired directory partition. Select the item of interest. Specify the completeness, quantity, color (if necessary). Then use the "Buy Now" button. Check out the data of your order again. Select "Checkout Order". Then you will be presented several payment methods. Select the appropriate, and confirm the operation of entering data.
After the operation done, the Seller will start working on your order and send the parcel to the specified period.
This article provides examples of tools that can be purchased on Aliexpress. Otherwise, the choice is yours. Read the description of sellers and do not forget to get acquainted with the reviews of previous buyers. Enjoy the shopping!
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