At the present time, in each family there is a printer. Use this computer technique very often. And in the end, like all computer machines, some parts should be changed or bought. Very huge selection of materials for the printer can be found on the trading platform Aliexpress.
Catalog of materials for the printer to Aliexpress
On Aliexpress There is a huge selection of materials for printers. On this shopping area you can find materials to all types of printers. Whether it is an inkjet, laser or 3D printer. To view the catalog of materials for the printer on AliexpressYou need to open the category "Computer Technology". A lot of sections of this category will open, you need to choose the section "Office Electronics", rubric "Printer Materials".
And then to the left in the "Related Categories" menu, choose the element or material that is interesting to you.
Consumables for printers
And now we will analyze more than all consumables for printers. The most frequently spent materials for the printer is:
- paper
- ink cartridge (for inkjet printers)
- toner cartridges (for laser printers)
The most quickly consumable for the printer is paper. On Aliexpress You can find a very huge selection of paper. The frequently used paper is A4 format paper, different density and color. To search for paper on Aliexpressneed in category "Office and School Supplies" Select section "Paper". There you will find different quality and price of paper, both for inkjet printers and laser.
Also very often for printers are used and photo paper for printing photos. To view it on the left in the "Related Categories" section, you need to choose "Photographic".
The print quality of the printer directly depends on the quality of the cartridge in it. Only ink cartridges are suitable for inkjet printers. They can be with one color (black), for black and white print, or more - for multicolored printing. To search for ink cartridges on Aliexpress, you need to go through the way "Office Electronics"— "Printer Materials" and in "Related Categories" choose "Ink cartridges."
For laser printers use toner cartridges. On Aliexpress You can select toner cartridges for any printer models, at affordable prices. To view the toner cartridges catalog on AliexpressIn the search bar we enter "Toner cartridges".
Consumables for cartridges
Consumables for ink cartridges - it is ink for toner cartridges- this is toner and photorad. Owners of inkjet printers are often encountered with the problem of ink replacement in the ink cartridge. In order not to wear a refueling cartridge in service centers, you can order them on Aliexpress. And, if necessary, refuel the cartridge at home. To search and watch ink for cartridge on Aliexpress, you need to go through the "Office Electronics" path - "Printer Materials" — "Sets to replenish ink". These may be the results.
To search for toner on Aliexpress, pass the way "Office Electronics" — «Printer materials "— "Manifesting powder, toner". You can pick up a toner for any model of the laser printer.
And one more important details, in a toner cartridge that needs a periodic replacement is photorads. When printing over 1200 pages it must be changed. On Aliexpress There is a wide range of these parts. To open the catalog photo of the drums, in the category "Computer technician", in the office "Office equipment" to choose "Materials for the printer", and to the left in "Related Categories" Select "Photobabans". There is another way in the search bar to enter "Photorad".
Consumables for 3D printer
The main consumables for the 3D printer is plastic. The most popular is ABS plasticwhich is known for its strength and exposure to high temperatures. To view this consumor on Aliexpress, in the search bar you need to enter "ABS plastic". Any color gamma will be available in the catalog that opens.
The next, frequently used, consumers is PLA plastic or polylactide. This type of plastic is created from biological waste, and therefore environmentally friendly. On Aliexpress There is a large selection of these materials. To view, enter the search string "PLA plastic". Externally, you can easily confuse it with ABS plastic.
Then goes PVA plastic. This plastic is made based on the conventional PVA glue, and performs the role of separator. The main plus of this consumility is fast solubility in water. Also as consumables for a 3D printer, you can use a metal powder, nylon or photo polymer.
Customer Reviews, Price Quality
Before buying any consumables on Aliexpress, carefully look at the seller. Pay special attention to its rating. Sellers with a high rating are a guarantee to buy a better product. Also do not forget about product reviews. They can also be viewed in the product card.
Reviews about Photobumage
Irina V.
Photo Paper came. Semi gloss. The quality is good enough.
Reviews of ink cartridges
Sergey K.
Excellent cartridges! I ordered only for the sake of black, for the old began to flow. The new cartridge does not insert "with a scope", you need to push a little with a slope and prescribe from above. In height, the cartridge is a little less than the past cartridge, but it does not affect work. Refueling normally, prints well, the ink is not running! Everything is great!
Reviews of photo drums
Olga M.
The goods came quickly. Packed well in a bubble and box. I hope the quality will be good. I have not checked yet. Externally without defects. Recommend.
How to order materials for printer to Aliexpress
To order consumables for the printer on Aliexpress, you need to choose the desired product and click the "Buy Now" button or "Add to Cart". In the window that opens, fill in all payment details, specify the delivery address and, if necessary, specify a confirmation code.
Wait for a successful payment notice.
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