Unexpected money is always nice. And especially when this money is saved by himself, and completely unnoticed. So a pleasant monetary surprise will always delight piggy banks - the coins are going, not burdened by the budget, but as a result, a rather reason is going to.
Among other things, if you believe Eastern teachings, the piggy bank is a wonderful source of attracting money to the house. Here's how to choose a piggy bank on Aliexpress We will analyze in this article.
Catalog of types of piggy banks to Aliexpress
Choose and buy a piggy bank on Aliexpresscan be in the section " For home and garden"In category" Home decor«.
Or use the search site by setting the "Piggy Bank" request.
All found deals The site filter offers to sort by such signs:
- the material from which the piggy bank is made (plastic, vinyl, wood, metal, resin, ceramics, tin)
- piggy Bank Shape (Box, Rectangle, Pig, Heart, Bear, Cow, Football, Car, Oval, Circle, Square, Bank, Doll, House)
Celebrations on the choice of piggy banks
The custom of accumulating and postponing money in the piggy bank has become so popular around the world, which, probably, there is no family, in which there would be no piggy bank. However, do not everyone know that in order for the piggy bank really saved and loved money into the house, the piggy bank should be chosen correctly, relying on the wisdom of different nationalities.
Feng Shui experts recommend starting save On the growing moon, and even better since the beginning of the Chinese New Year, which always begins in the first new moon under the sign of Aquarius. It is also successfully started to save money on Friday, especially if she also gets to a growing moon.
Postpone money should be specifically designed for this capacity. And the more they are in the house, the stronger your desire to accumulate the desired amount, the faster and more dynamic money will appear in your family.
Russian piggy banks
Traditional Russian piggy banks are part of people's folk. Therefore, they are always fulfilled in simple, understandable forms - in the form of plants, animals, household items. For example, such forms of piggy bank, like a mushroom, pig, cat, barrel, dull, etc. are very common. Piggy banks also described in traditional folk appliances - Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodetsky, Petrikov and other paintings.
Modern Russian piggy banks are also close to the folk folklore who loved the people of the characters of films and cartoons.
Piggy bank
Specialists argue that it is best if the piggy bank is made in the form of any animal. For example pigs, dogs, cats, medveda, rooster or sheeps/ Baran.
Pig-piggy bank is the most common type of piggy bank all over the world. And not in vain. After all, it is she symbolizing wealth, brings wealth and well-being to the house. Because for a long time, this animal has been symbolized with fertility. And what thicker pig, the more money will bring money.
Since this is an animal omnivo, then the money for success in it can be placed different - from small coins to large paper bills.
Transparent Plastic or glass Piggy-pig pig will always please the view of the accumulated amount
For greater attraction of money, put next to a stigner of acorn or figurines of small powers. Fan Fan Shui will like a piggy bank with hieroglyphs On the side of the pig, which attract good luck and wealth to the house.
Cool piggy banks
Modern piggy banks are not only storage tanks and collect money. They can become a stylish interior decor, toy or a gift for fun friends.
If your friend is merry and loves jokes, he will appreciate piggy jokes on Aliexpress.
For example, checky piggy bank. It is worth bringing the coin to her mouth, she immediately comes to life and begins to chew funny.
Piggy fire extinguisher - Great gift for brave firefighter!
Safe piggy bank - Piggy bank of increased storage safety. It is impossible to remove money from it without entering before this secret code. Light and sound effects make the process more realistic.
To hide the snack reader, select piggy bank, made in the form of a book, and put it on the bookpin. The main thing is not to forget the code from the code lock.
Piggy bank with games
Gambling fans will appreciate piggy Bank In the form of a slot machine. Such a piggy bank will return money to its owner only after a successful gaming combination.
Toy piggy bank-anatom will become indispensable in the children's game "Store". She will teach it in a games form to use the ATM, will teach children to count money and count its budget.
For those who are interested in intelligent fun, it is impossible to suit better piggy-puzzle. To get the main prize, money inside the piggy bank, you need to successfully pass the labyrinth.
Children's piggy banks
A separate word should be said about children's piggy banks on Aliexpress. Many parents are wondering if a child need a baby piggy bank? The answer is unequivocal, needed. After all, the piggy bank from the category of simply entertaining toys passed into the discharge of training. This is a kind of symbol of growing up, because it is now already, as an adult, it can be done to dispose of his own money. The piggy bank teaches children financial literacy: how best to save money, how to save, much more wisely spend. The disposal of own finances will teach a child to the fact that all the goods have a different price, and you can not always get what I want to immediately. After all, the further financial stability of the child in this world depends on this.
Piggy banks in the form of cartoon heroes are very popular among the kids. Spongebob, Makvin, Minion - The child will be delighted with such a piggy bank!
Manufacturers of designers offer children to make a piggy bank. Amateurs Lego and him like designers Could build a piggy bank, for example, in the form of a telephone, cash register or telephone booth.
For creative kids, manufacturers offer to write a piggy bank to their own taste. For example, piggy-fish Maybe there is a tassel to turn into a small rider-clown, and in huge vast whale.
If the purpose of the accumulation is a large purchase, piggy bank with meter Always tell me how many coins are already there. The child will always know how much still left to the cherished purchase.
So that no one except the baby could not look into the piggy bank, it is worth purchasing piggy bank on the lock.
Little Sweets will be happy to give a gift in the form of a piggy bank candy vehicle. After the baby descends the coin and scrolls the lever, the machine will give a sweet prize! The piggy bank can be configured to free mode without coins.
Cat thieves
Cat thieves - This is a funny variety of piggyback, which looks in the shape of the box. But after the coin is placed in a special place, the box opens, the face of the cat looks out from there, which paw picks up the coin.
That's it looks like in action.
In addition to the classic cat, manufacturers began to produce piggy banks with other animals, for example, pandaor monkey.
Some manufacturers went further and, using the idea with cat-thieves, invented other mechanical piggy banks. For example, dog or monkey eating coins.
That's so famously this cute dog eats coins offered to her.
Money box cats-mouse - Another type of automated piggy bank, which also "steals" your money. The mouse will imperceptibly takes your coin and, hiding behind the cat, folds into his piggy bank.
This video will show how such a piggy bank is actually.
Gypsum products
Piggy from plaster or ceramics is one of the oldest types of piggy bank. They are environmentally friendly, made of natural materials. Thanks to the plasticity of gypsum piggy banks from it can be a variety of shape. Ceramic piggy banks can be a good addition to the interior decor. However, it is worth remembering that such piggy banks are very fragile, we need to use them carefully and carefully.
Set of ceramic piggyback " Owl": I see nothing, I will not hear anything, I will not say anything to anyone.
Piggy-cake- It will become not only an excellent decoration of the interior, but from pleased the owner with a sweet prize, when the round sum will gather.
Piggy bank in the form footballthe ball will have to do football fan. He can accumulate money and visit the game of the favorite team.
For creative children manufacturers produce gypsum piggy banks for coloring. For example, such a cute turtleyou can paint any color of the rainbow.
Customer Reviews Price-Quality
In order not to make a mistake with the choice of high-quality piggy bank and not to disappoint, you should always pay attention to the rating of the seller and, most importantly, on the reviews of real buyers of this product. Therefore, if you chose the photo and description of the necessary product, then you will definitely look at the "Reviews" section. So you will immediately understand whether the goods are qualitatively, as it is packaged and will be damaged by shipment, as the seller behaves in case of some unforeseen problems.
Basically reviews about piggybacks positive. Buyers complain about the delivery time, poor-quality packaged goods and inaccurate description.
Anton P: the package to Sakhalin was 2 months (long), the delivery time did not come to the set deadline, but the seller himself extended the time (the track was not tracked). The product corresponds to the description, but the packaging leaves much to be desired (the box was packaged simply in the postal package for this minus the seller, it's strange that Russia's mail did not play football (probably I just lucky))
Ekaterina R.: Until the Terrible 47 days. Cool piggy bank !!! Ordered with Panda, fully complies with the description. Panda velvet, pleasant to the touch. When we put a coin on a plate, I will make a sound. And when the coin takes something balakets, I really liked the children, now I have no trifles, children all panda gave))) I recommend the seller and product !!!! I will still order as a gift)))
Diana R.: In Perm, the parcel reached 43 days. The piggy bank as in the picture from the seller, the colors are bright, very light, but everything looks reliably. Behind there is a lid to open a piggy bank without damaging it. The seller sociable, reported to me the movement of the parcel. Packed was in the "pupyr" and a plastic bag.
Nick a.: The thing is cool, but it is harmful, it falls constantly or may fall inside. And so on the four. I think the price of such quality should be 3 less. But the joke is funny. I drove to Moscow in 13 days.
How to order a piggy bank to Aliexpress
To make the order piggy banks on Aliexpress, you need to take a few steps:
- To begin with, we choose the goods you are interested in by searching or in the relevant category of goods. At the same time, do not forget to pay attention to the rating of the seller, goods and reviews of real buyers. Select the desired size and quantity. If everyone was chosen correctly, you can start to the next step - click "Buy Now" or "Add to Cart".
- If you have added the goods to the basket, then the next step must go to it and choose the order precisely with this product. We check the amount of goods, its value and delivery conditions. We click on "order from this seller" and on the page that opens, click "arrange".
- Next, choose a convenient payment method and introduce payment details for the payment of payment. Click "Pay Now".
- The system may require an order confirmation, requesting a password or code. We enter them and confirm your order.
- Congratulations on buying! Order paid and sent to processing. You can track the status of your order in the My Orders tab.
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