
How to fill out the address to Aliexpress

In the modern world, the Internet is global webWhere in seconds you can find everything you wish. A huge number of constantly emerging new trading platforms can displace the most popular resource for buying various goods, namely the site Aliexpress. Numerous shares, unreal discounts, high-quality goods, competent sellers, the latest innovations are only some benefits of this site. Despite the ever-growing orders, many users have a problem with filling Addresses. After all, it is from him that the timing of the parcel itself depends.
To facilitate the work to many users, developers Russified the trade Internet playground Aliexpress. However, this does not make a reason not to adhere to international email requirements when specifying the delivery address. This article Share some recommendations that will help you quickly receive purchased goods.

Zip Code or Your post office number, why it is important

Many customers when placing the order lower a small detail as the zip code. However, he plays a huge role in the accuracy of delivering one or another shipment.


Each postcode Complies with a specific post office number. If you do not know the number of your post office, it can be found in several ways: via the Internet or by calling the reference service.
Remember, the index is not a set of figures located chaotically. The index is important information that contains the city code and the post office number.

Website of Russian Post, how to help determine the zip code

One of the most popular searches for the definition of the postal index is the post office of Russia. It offers some simple ways to search for its index:

  • To search for an index should be introduced on website of Russia In the search engine of separation your address. For example: Pushkinskaya street


The system will give immediately the city in which Pushkin Street is located. By choosing the necessary city, Russian Post will issue all post offices with an index located near this street:


  • The post office of Russia to determine the index offers to take advantage Mobile application. The application allows you to save indexes under various names.


  • The third way to know your zip code is make a hotline By number 8 800 2005 888. By saying the operator the city, the name of the street and the house number, he will call you the right index.

What language is the shipping address

Shipping address on the site Aliexpressyou should fill out only with Latin letters. When completing the address by Russian letters, the parcel will not reach the addressee. This is due to the fact that Chinese order processing sellers use Chinese computers on which there is no Cyrillic. When crushing, Russian letters turn into various krajabyabry, which cannot be disassembled.


Latin letters are present in all encodings and fonts. Fill in Latin letters, you will be confident in the one hundred percent receipt of your order.

How to translate address to another language

On the site Aliexpresswhen placing an order address should be in Russian but Latin letters. Russian text written by another language is called transliteration, other language broadcast. On the Internet, you can find various sites for the translation of Russian words to translite. One of these is the following service. You enter the surname, name and patronymic of the recipient, its address data:


Then remove the tick in the lower case (so that the capital letters do not redo in small) and click the button " In translit". It turns out the following:


Also, some users replace the words such as street, apartment, house for English equivalents.

  • House - Build
  • Apartment - Flat.
  • Street - Street.

In this case, the address of the recipient looks like this:

Zajceva Irina Sergeevna.
Pushkinskaya Street, Build 45, Flat 6
Bryansk, Bryanskaya Oblast, 241087
Russian Federation

Also should pay special attention to the initials of the recipient. Sometimes when translining the surname and the name does not coincide with the passport data, that is, the translite translates a little different way. In this case, it is exactly the option of the name and name, which is recorded in the passport, because this document will require your postal employees to certify your personality.

Where, in which place of the order you need to write your correct shipping address

Address delivery of goods on site Aliexpress The buyer may indicate in advance and always use it during the purchase, and can also fill in the address data fields directly before the purchasing itself. After all, it is very often found that the client simply wants to make a nice gift to his close person and in this case he indicates not his own, but other contact details.

shipping address in the personal account of the site AlExpress

On the main page of the site on the right side of the screen choose " MY ALIEXPRESS."And click on it:


In the open new page in the left side in the column called "Menu", select the heading " Delivery addresses«:


After a few seconds, a page appears on which you should click on the button " Add new address » And immediately will open the blank with empty fields, where and the address data should be inserted:


Empty Fields of Blanca should be filled with Latin letters. After writing them, you need to thoroughly twist again to prevent errors, and then click on the Save button.

address indication during ordering

Buyer on the site Aliexpress Also, you can fill out your address during the order process. To do this, choose the necessary object and put it in the basket. Going to the basket, all times are rechecked by all the details of the order and if everything is right to click on the " Order from this seller". Next will appear an empty form to fill the delivery address:


Fill in all fields in Latin letters, you should save the form and the parcels will continue to be delivered at this address. Site Aliexpressallows you to change the address or add others at any time.

Sample Address Certain

Below is a sample correctly filled out blank with an address.


What if the wrong shipping address is specified for Ali Spress

Sometimes it happens that filling the address in the hurry, some allow small errors. Write the wrong apartment number or at home. Seeing inaccuracies in the form with the address, should not panic. You can always find a way out of a difficult situation.

  • If you have not made another order, then just correct inaccuracy. To do this, in the category "Delivery Address" click on the "button" edit"And edit.


  • If you have already issued an order, but the seller has not yet sent the goods to the specified address, immediately inform the seller about the error and write to him again the new address. The seller will check the goods to the correct address.
  • If the seller has already sent an order to the address you specified with an error, then do not be discouraged. Not all is lost. After sending the goods, the seller sends the identification number to the customer, in other words track codeFor which on special sites it is easy to learn about the location of the parcel. With your track code, you need to constantly track the goods and as soon as it goes to the post office, you should immediately go to mail with a passport and tell postal employees about the current situation. Rewrieving your data, employees will give your goods. You can also in advance warning postal workersAs you specify your address, you made a mistake.

We hope that after reading this article, you will no longer have such questions: "How to fill out the address on the site Aliexpress? "," Where to fill it? "," Is it possible to write the address to Latin font? "," What should I do if mistakes are made in the address? ".
Correctly completed address - this pledge of receipt of your product. Nice shopping on the site Aliexpress!!!

