Company Aliexpress Over the past years, the amount of goods sold has significantly increased. Very large part of these goods buyers are ordered and paid with free shipping, which does not allow to fully track their movement. However, when choosing a paid delivery method, buyers are able to track the movement of the cargo from the send point to the final point.
Current modern technologies allow without any problems and efforts to own information about the time of movement, as well as the current place to find order. Owning this information, anyone can view detailed information on the location of the cargo. However, even with free shipping, the load can be tracked only while it is located in China.
- How to get a letter to confirm sending a parcel to your address?
- How to find in the "My Orders" section LOGISTICS INFORMATION (Logistics Information)
- What is a tracker to track the parcel?
- When you need to look for a tracker, after payment of the parcel or after sending the parcel?
- What should I do if there is no letter with Aliexpress to send the parcel?
- How to track the order through the site of "Russian Post"?
- How to track the parcel through the service, dignity and disadvantages
- What does "direct verification" mean?
How to get a letter to confirm sending a parcel to your address?
In order to be able to exercise ordersv catalog Aliexpress It should be started to register on this site, where one of the first items will specify the email address to which a confirmation letter comes. This address will continue to be tied to make detailed information about performed orders.
The email will be sent to the email as you place orderand pay it. After payment orderan confirmation letter comes to email, which will indicate that payment was made by the buyer and assigned the number order. For several days, it usually takes it time from several hours to 10 days, the seller prepares the parcel to send and draws it up in the carrier branch, after which you come to the mail confirmation that the parcel has been sent to your home address. At the same time, the track number is indicated, with which the parcel will be tracking, as well as the translator, which will transport the cargo.
If, during the time specified by the seller, a confirmation letter never came, it will be necessary to enter your personal account using the data specified during registration. There are cases that the seller simply does not have time, then the letter to the mail may not come. The seller may offer to cancel orderand return money, or extend the shipment time.
There are also conventional failures in the system when the letter may not come. Then it is better to go to site Aliexpress, go to your personal account and proceed to the "Show Details" section. On this page you will learn exactly whether the parcel was sent to you. If the parcel was sent, and the letter did not come to you, you can see the tracking number issued to you.
How to find in the "My Orders" section LOGISTICS INFORMATION (Logistics information)
Everyone is clear to everyone, which means logistic information, if not - these are the data that show us all the information about moving any other goods (product). In order to go to the "Logistics Information" section, you must first go to page with a list of all perfect orders. After that, find the goods on the way and which must be traced, then press the "More details" button.
Hitting the page with all the information about the delivery orderedgoods to you, you can see the following information:
- the term during which the seller guarantees to deliver the package to you in hand;
- order number;
- a complete list of what was sent to you in this parcel (you must, if one seller ordered several units of various goods at once);
- order confirmation button;
- logistics information that is now in the "Departure Tracking".
If you need to specify more detailed information about moving the parcel, you can use the "View Delivery Details" button. On the page that opens, information about the track number appears, which was issued by sellers in the company carrier, sending time, as well as the destination address.
In addition to this data, there is some information about the room. orderwho is assigned company Aliexpressas well as the name of the store of the seller.
What is a tracker to track the parcel?
Each time after the payment of the goods, the seller makes shipment in companies carriers. In order for the final buyer to keep track of the movement of his parcel and special trackers were invented. The tracker, or as the track number is called, is an alphanumeric identifier that helps to track the parcel. Each number is unique, thereby does not make mistakes in the premise itself.
Each tracker can be traced on the official carrier website, or use individual resources associated with the databases of many postage carriers. This is the most convenient option that will search faster and comfortable, since the official websites of carrier companies often use only Chinese, which reveals the difficulty of translation. Therefore, Russified resources will be the best option.
Many universal resources allow you to receive special messages talking about changing the status of finding the goods. The goods can only arrive in any intermediate crossing point, or prepare there to be dispatched. You will know at any time what is happening with your order. And all this thanks to unique trackers.
When you need to look for a tracker, after payment of the parcel or after sending the parcel?
In order to answer the question when you need to look for a tracker, you should note the following - a unique track number is assigned by the carrier. Therefore, it becomes clear that in order to get a track number, first of all it is necessary to choose the necessary product and arrange order.
Only after payment the seller collects order, during the term specified by him, and refers to the services of the carrier. It is in this company that the track number is obtained to track the parcel movement.
The customer will be able to view the location sent earlier in real time. order. Answering the question "When you need to look for the tracker" the most correct solution will be obtaining it only after sending the parcel.
What should I do if there is no letter with Aliexpress to send the parcel?
Letters from Aliexpressmay not come in a few cases for a long time, one of which is incorrect operation of the database of the trading platform itself. Occasionally occur case of database overload aliexpress trading platformwhen simultaneously commit ordersa large number of people. In this case, you should wait a bit until normal work is resumed.
Although site Aliexpress It is designed for a large number of simultaneous use by many users from around the world, during the period of ambitious sales and shares, failures may occur.
The second moment when there are no letters from Aliexpressthe sending of the parcel can be untimely sending and delay by the seller. When ordering any type of goods, the seller indicates the guaranteed time during which it undertakes to send the parcel. However, in rare cases, various unforeseen circumstances may occur, which may affect the dispatch time. Consequently, the parcel may not be sent within the specified time.
To solve these issues, contact your personal account of the resource, where and learn about the state of each of the parcels. This data is information about sending time and last location.
How to track the order through the site of "Russian Post"?
"Post office" - This is the largest National Mailing Operator in Russia. Its versatility was confirmed over many years of work and existence, because they are able to move various types of goods, characterized in both their fragility and dimensions.
Today " Post office"It has over 42,000 branches throughout the country, which, with maximum speed and accuracy, move the postal departments delivered to any resident of the country.
Service on the official website " Post office"Makes it possible to issue a subscription to move goods, which will notify you about changing the location of the expected parcel. The official website helps track the parcels sent from various countries of the world, including the most popular brand name of the world. Aliexpress. In order to receive information about the location of the cargo in automatic mode, you must register on the site.
In order to take advantage of a single search for the parcel sent from aliexpress trading platform, it can be quickly done from the main page of the official website " Post office«.
To the main advantages of tracking parcels on the site "Mail of Russia" It is simplicity of use, as well as the rate of issuing results. At the same time, there is no need to use Chinese resources to search for parcels, because the Russian-language version of the site is more informative and convenient.
How to track the parcel through the service, dignity and disadvantages
Service It is one of the most popular sites, the main purpose of which is to track international parcels. All use procedure search for parcels was quite well simplified, which provides the ability to quickly search for a special unique track number.
The main advantage of this serviceis the versatility and completeness of information about the cargo. All site features open before the user only after passing a simple registration procedure.
After logging in to your personal account, you can track at the same time any number of your parcels, each of which has its own personal identifier. In the personal account, all these codes are stored in a convenient form, which are checked by the system automatically 3 times a day, after which the notification is sent to the email indicating changes in the location of the parcel. Also, if the user is desired, several times during the day can send SMS messages to the specified phone number. Here B. personal Cabinet There is a complete way to move the parcel.
The disadvantages of this system include temporary delays in updating the status of the parcel about its location. It happens that information is not updated for several days. And also, some users can find the disadvantage in the fact that some functions are paid.
What does "direct verification" mean?
Direct check offers the same resource This is the ability to check the status of the track number directly through the tracking system of the postal company, which carried out the shipment from the sender country to the destination. In order to be able to use such a function, you should hover the arrow cursor on the arrow in the corner of the field with the specified track number, then select the "Direct Check" item.
In the new window that opens, you must specify the track number tracking number and click the search button. This method can help if there are problems with the search for sending through POST-Tracker Resource.
Successful purchases in the directory of the world-famous trading platform Aliexpress.
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