Ukraine is included in the top countries that is reported to Aliexpress. Almost every person at least once heard about the website of the online store. And, if, some users do not have any questions about the registration, then difficulties may arise at a later stage - payment for goods. Below will be presented detailed instructions on how to find out the price in the hryvnia and how to pay for the goods on Aliexpress.
Aliexpress Ukraine in Ukrainian
Online store Aliexpress Already created in several versions. Development is for countries such as Brazil France, Poland. However, for Ukraine there is no native version of the site. But in the future, the platform creators plan to expand their database and create Aliexpressfor Ukraine. In the meantime, you can use the Russian-speaking version of the site - or pristine English version -
Despite the fact that Aliexpressthere is no full-fledged version for residents of Ukraine, you can customize the site in such a way that it reflects in your Ukrainian or other language. To do this, go to the main page. On the top of the window there is a "Delivery" menu. It must be configured. Choose in the Country Delivery Cell - Ukraine. It is located in a self-discharge list at about the end.
Then go to the next tab "Go to Global Site (english)". It is located in the upper right corner. There you can change the display language. Only, first you will go to the English version of the site, then you will change the name of the tab to "Language". Select the Ukrainian language in the window that opens.
How to find out the price in the hryvnia is stepdown in Russian and Ukrainian
If you use the English version of the site so that information about the product is understandable, you need to switch the language in the language tab. In Russian or Ukrainian, as you comfortable. You can also choose a Russian-speaking version of the site in the same section.
Standard all prices for Aliexpressreflected in dollars. However, currency can be changed and hryvnia. On the main page in the top line there is a "Delivery" menu. Open it. There is a pavement site. If you have already chosen Ukraine, so that you have been available for buying goods with free shipping, then go to the next string. In the opening list "Currency", find the hryvnia. On the contrary, there will be a designation - UAH ₴. Save the changes by the "Save" button. Now all prices on Aliexpressyou will be shown in a double meaning. The top price will be in dollars $, and the bottom in the hryvnia.
How to buy on Aliexpress Stephago
Buy Aliexpressreally just, as promised numerous online store banners. Only for this you need to perform consecutive steps and know certain secrets so that the purchases were successful. After the first transaction, you will already be clear to what to pay attention and how to pay the goods correctly.
For residents of Ukraine, smoothly, as for residents of other countries, you need to register. Thanks to the account created, you can not only view and choose goods, but also pay them, conduct correspondence with the seller, open disputes, participate in promotions and sales.
In the upper right corner, click the Registration button. Perform the proposed steps to create an account and log in to order orders. For more information on registration can be read here (" How to register with Aliexpress in Ukraine«).
where to look for products?
All products on Aliexpressare in thematic sections. Popular categories you can see immediately, on the main page of the online store. They are fixed in the menu on the left. For example, there you can go to the category "Avtomovari" and start choosing suitable accessories for the car.
If you bring the cursor to the fixed categories of goods, you will see that those in turn unfold to the right and you can choose a suitable subsection there. Goods are divided into relevant groups. In the same "autotovants" you will find a subsection with the name " Electronics for cars«, «Accessories«, «Tools and care«.
All other goods, together with popular categories are collected in a large directory. Aliexpress. Called O. "All categories". You can go to it too from the main page of the site. It is at the top above all categories on the left. Click on " See all«.
There are all products that are sold on Aliexpress. If you find it difficult to search in the sections, you can use the search through the query string. Each page has this line. Enter the phrase containing the name of the product and click on the search icon. You will open a window in which all suitable goods will be located.
selection of goods
Do not rush to acquire the first thing that came across. Even things with big discounts may be very poor quality. First of all, familiarize yourself with the description of the goods. Take a look at its characteristics, dimensions. Some products in the photo seem much more than they come in reality to customers.
In the next section with a description of the product there is a "reviews" tab. There buyers write about their impressions from buying. Each customer on the fact of receiving the goods can write a review and attach photos of his order to him. Therefore, all feedback responses are displayed in this tab.
Feedback on the goods you are going to acquire should be highly estimated. Not less than 4-4.5 stars. If there is a smaller assessment and many negative comments are written, then such a product should not be ordered. It is better if the seller has estimates marked at 4 and 5-point scale. Do not forget to look at the seller rating itself.
On the page of each product category there are filters. They can be used for the convenience of search. They are located on the left and above the goods.
Here you can set a limit for the price. No more or no less than any amount, choose the seller rating, free shipping, piece of goods, put a tick about the guarantee of return of goods to the seller in case of inconsistencies. In the second line, you can sort the goods by the number of transactions, the rating of the Seller, price, the sender's warehouse, configure the list of goods list. In the left menu, you can pick up goods according to the filters presented for the goods. Specify the desired color, form, material quality, and other characteristics presented.
how to determine the rating of the seller on AliExpress
Seller's rating can be found immediately in several places on the page with the goods:
- Over the price there are stars, the so-called stellar rating of the seller, which is exhibited by buyers on a five-point scale. There are indicators of sales, voices and assessments expressed by the number of stars. A good seller must have at least 4 stars. If the rating is below, select another seller to order a similar product;
- Below, under the main picture of the product, too, you can also familiarize yourself with the rating of the seller. There is usually the number of crown, diamonds or medals. The rating can be identified visually or go to more a detailed page by clicking on the rating picture. The highest rating from sellers with crowns. These are suppliers that send high-quality goods. Buyers them exhibit high ratings in terms of price-quality ratio, the number of goods sold and the number of years of the store is also taken into account. The diamond level also characterizes the seller from a good side. A small number of medals is usually characterized by novice sellers or those who receive free points from the administration Aliexpress;
- Over the layout of the menu, also has information about the store. There are indicated data on the percentage of feedback and rating expressed by medals, diamonds or crowns.
make an order
After all the data on the product has been studied, you can proceed to ordering. On the page with the product selected, you will need to specify its quantity, color, complete set, delivery type (paid or free). Then press the orange button "Buy Now".
If you did not miss anything, then you will find yourself on a new page. Check the order data, whether everything coincides: color, quantity, price and other selected characteristics. Then click "Checkout." Next you will need to pay the goods and wait for it.
How to pay for the order with Aliexpress in Ukraine
You can pay for the order in Ukraine in several ways:
- Bank card. Maps of almost all banks are accepted for payment, which have the Internet banking service (Visa, Maestro, MasterCard). You can use debit or credit cards. If the latter does not have the ability to pay for purchases via the Internet, then you can write a statement in the office of a financial institution or to issue a service on a call to a hotline to the bank.
Regardless which currency is on your account, it will be converted to $ dollars. Naturally, if the currency is on the map not dollars. At the same time, a commission for transfer from one currency to another may be charged. Each bank has this amount varies. Therefore, before making a monetary operation, this information is also better to clarify in the bank.
To pay, you will need to enter your card data: number, validity, name, and surname (are on the front side of the card), then you need to specify the security code. It consists of three digits and placed on the back of the card. If you have a maestro card, then this code is not specified. After entering the data, you will receive an SMS message to confirm the operation (if your mobile bank is connected). Confirm the amount of payment, and she sprinkles from your card in favor of the seller;
- Electronic wallets. For payment fits Qiwi Wallet and Webmoney. You will need to pay the invoice. Currency spikes according to the course difference;
- Translation through Bank Western Union and Bank Transfer. On Aliexpressyou will be scored. Print it and go to the bank. The amount for payment with Western Union should be from $ 20 to $ 5,000. For Bank Transfer - from 20 to $ 50,000.
After transferring funds, your payment will be checked. In the status of the order will be "checking payment". Usually it takes no more than 24 hours. Then the seller will start decorating the goods to be sent.
Delivery to Ukraine, which services make delivery and what time
Delivery to Ukraine is carried out from China and some other countries, such as Finland, Sweden. It can be paid and free. Basically, all China's post is free, but its deadlines can be longer than that of paid offices specifically created for accelerated parcel processing. Here are the types of postal services that use suppliers Aliexpress:
- Postnl - A popular way to send goods to Ukraine. Is one of the free shipment, which takes about 24-36 days;
- China Post Registered Air Mail - Free delivery to Ukraine. In time it takes from 24 to 39 days;
- Sweden POST. - It can be both paid and free shipping. Used when sending from the warehouses from the Scandinavian countries. By time, delivery of a similar service takes 34-60 days;
- FedEx IE. - Paid accelerated delivery. In Ukraine, the goods comes in 14-27 days. Shipping costs starts from 500 hryvnia. In the case of acquiring expensive goods, for example, fur coats, bicycles, strollers, departure, on the discretion of the seller, may be free;
- Among free affordable shipments for Ukraine PX Singapore Post Om Prowhich delivers goods within 37-57 days;
- Aliexpress Standard Shipping. - It may be paid and free shipping. Depends on the selected product and the supplier, which uses the delivery of this type. The arrival period of the parcel may vary from 18 to 30 days. Even if the delivery and will be paid, then, as a rule, it does not exceed 20-30 hryvnia;
- DHL - Fast and paid service delivery service. To deliver goods to Ukraine invested 10-20 days;
- epacket. - When buying things for the amount of more than 350 hryvnia, this delivery will cost the buyer for free, but sometimes Epacket is a paid departure. In this case, the parcel will cost the customer at 30 and more hryvnia. Delivery time is 14-23 days;
- e-EMS. - Delivery is most often paid. Takes from 12 to 22 days from the date of order and before receiving the goods;
- EMS. - Delivery time of goods by this company from 13 to 25 days;
- TNT. - paid delivery. It takes from 12 to 28 days. If the product is not subject to careful inspection on the border, then the delivery time will take a much smaller time;
- FedEx IE. - paid delivery. Goods to Ukraine are delivered at an accelerated period of 10 to 24 days. The cost of such a departure may you do in 800 hryvnia;
- FedEx IP. - Differs high cost and accurate delivery in ultra-shutdown. Sometimes it happens that the parcel can come to you the next day. But in the standard delivery time is 7-15 days;
- UPS Express Saver - Fast delivery will cost you in the amount of 1000 hryvnia. Delivery time is 7-15 days;
- Ups Expedited - One of the types of paid delivery from the company UPS, which delivers cargo worldwide. Delivery time from 7 days;
- Hongkong Post Air Parcel - Used for large shipments. Delivery time takes from 21 to 41 days. Delivery can be framed on both paid and free-based. Usually the amounts of paid departure are very small and fluctuated within 80 hryvnia.
In addition to the above, it is possible to use other transport companies that will take the delivery of cargo with Aliexpress. To do this, contact the seller and invite him to make the departure of your chosen company.
Regardless of which service is carried out, the goods must have a track number. On it you can track the parcel. In case the track number is not tracking, contact the seller.
Good shopping on Aliexpress!
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