Indoor Flowers are not only a gorgeous design of any window window sill, but also the creation of coziness to the room. Very often, indoor pets are beginning to fade and cease to delight their masters with elegant blossoms. Such their condition testifies not to comfort and so that it will warn, you should change the flower pots in time. Site Aliexpressit offers lovers of indoor plants a wide variety of pots, which perfectly fit into the interior of the room and emphasize his individuality.
Catalog of flower pots on Aliexpress
Get acquainted with the range of flower pots in On-Line website stores Aliexpresscan be in the heading "Garden pots and boxes". To do this, you should choose "All Categories" on the main page of the site and clicking the category "Garden Accessories" by clicking on the category "Garden and Garden" category.
Next, choose the heading on the left " Garden pots and boxes". This category presents the following varieties of flower accessories:
- flower pots;
- pots for germination;
- pallets for pots;
- suspended baskets;
- bags for growing;
- trays and covers for germination;
- lining For baskets.
If you are interested in buying only flower pots, you should click on the "Flower Pots" and you will immediately go to the page where more than four thousand most popular flower pots are located. For a more narrowed search, it is possible to specify:
- Type of flower pot (kettle, children's pots, vase, tray, etc.)
- Color (purple, yellow, red, creamy, white, brown, dark hacks, etc.)
- Terms of application (desktop, wall, suspended, floor)
- Style (modern, rustic, europe, chinese, american, mediterranean, etc.)
- Material (plastic, ceramics, metal, crystal, stone, tree, etc.)
Flower pots
The closed room is a kind of incubator, which contains numerous toxic substances that are distinguished by household appliances, finishing materials and detergents. To protect yourself and their households from these harmful substances, it is certainly necessary to contain houseplants in the house. After all, they are successful and without harm to others struggle with contaminated air.
The indoor plant cannot grow without a convenient roomy pot. We will consider the most popular models in this article.
plastic pots
To create a mini-garden, unbreakable plastic pots are suitable for its window:
Flower pots Sold complete in the number of five pieces. In stock There are a wide variety of colors that you can choose yourself in combination with your interior.
Lovers of cacti are suitable small plastic pots, size 7 * 8 cm:
In plastic flower pots It will be convenient and comfortable to all varieties of cacti. The kit includes seven pots of a wide variety of colors (yellow, blue, black, white, pink, purple, green).
To lovers of something unusual perfect gift will be a decorative plastic pot hanging on the contrary:
Such a pot, despite its peculiar appearance, will be decorationany place. Flower vase is made of pure ecological plastic, so even by placing it near his workplace you do not hear the smell, but only transform your corner. The plant in it will not remain not seen.
ceramic pots
Ceramics connoisseurs will also find on the site Aliexpressa huge selection of ceramic flower pots of a wide variety of forms.
Mini K. eramic flower pot Suitable for a bonce. If necessary, you can choose the form you like. Such pots are combined with any style.
Recently, pots with unusual forms are increasingly popular. One such example is a ceramic pot in the form of owls:
Floral pot Owl Made in retro style and decorate both the living room and the work room.
Flower pots performed in the form of a bust of people look very gorgeous.
Flowers in those flower Vasesperform a hair and hairstyles. Replanting the flower, you simultaneously change the appearance and the image of the pot itself.
Decoration Any desktop Flowers in pots in the photo. Ceramic pots are performed in the European style. They are drawn up by Chinese masters by Chinese masters, so each flower vase is distinguished by its appearance. In them, almost all the flowers will rejoice you for a long time.
large pots
Flowers decorate with flowers not only their window openings, but also various places in the apartment. For large colors Site shops Aliexpresswe offer our customers the following pots:
The flower pot is made of plastic, has a bottom of a hole that helps Breathe plants And it comes complete with a stand that will not allow water to spill on the floor. The pot in the photo is made according to new technologies:
The pot has a special cone, where the plant itself is being placed. The inner pot is good for plants by the fact that it allows the roots to grow in the right direction, provides them with access to air and ventilation, avoids to heat the roots and ensure waterproofing. Such flower pots will become the perfect "home" for your orchids.
Gorgeous Decoration of the terrace or entrance doorflower laying in a metal pot in the form of a brightly colorful bucket with handles, made in a rustic style. A bright contrast will give the playing effect to all of your design.
A good gift for the new school will be glass polyhedronwhich is perfect for a bonce. Modern style and classic elegance will quickly fit into the interior of anyone. The polyhedron has the perfect size for growing such colors as a fern, moss, cacti. Durable copper frame is very easy to use and care.
kashpo for flowers
Site Aliexpressit pleases its users not only with a huge abundance of flower pots, but also kashpo for flowers. Cachepo, unlike ordinary pots, do not have a special opening holes for draining water, so it costs to remember that after irrigation to drain the remnants of the water to prevent the flower from rotting.
Creative Cache called Aerial gardens Completed from the resin. Despite its fragility, the seller is very careful and carefully packed it so that it does not be damaged during shipment. Such kashpo will decorate any home and office, will become the best gift for a loved one.
A pot in the form of a literary book is suitable for decorating the workplace. In on-line stores Aliexpresssuch pots Kashpo Presented various sizes. Cachepo is made in the rustic style from the resin. The seller reminds that KashPo does not contain succulents.
wooden pots
In the modern world, becoming increasingly important Natural materialsSo designers in the designs of rooms and premises use wooden floral pots for decoration. Natural material is not toxic and safe, so such pots can be stirred in children's rooms.
Small wooden pots Any corner in your home will decorate. Pots are made in a classic style, which will be valued at all times. Such pots are reminded immediately rural life from which it smells with warmth and comfort.
In the country house at the entrance door, the flower pots will be perfectly looking at the terrace or in the gazebo (see photo above) from Natural veneer of a tree. Inside there is a metal pot, which to protect the veneer of the tree from water leaks and rotting. In such a veneer, it is possible to plant a plant and insert with a pot. Wooden pots are available different sizes, sociable vendors will be happy to help you find the desired size.
If you dream to create in your room mini-sad, then site Aliexpresshelp your dream will help you. It offers special pots special for these purposes, of which any flower garden is easy to create. The peculiarity of this wooden pot is that it is very durable and covered with a protective agent of corrosion. It is perfect for both external and internal use. The flower pot will become an excellent decoration of your room, garden or terrarium.
Customer Reviews Price-Quality
Unfortunately, goods presented in stores Aliexpressit is not possible to touch with your hands, but for its customers the site developers created a special heading entitled "Reviews"where buyers share their impressions about the purchased goods are shared by the positive and negative parties of the product, recommends it or not, and also leave Photowhich is easy to evaluate the quality of this product.
Below are reviews about flower pots left earlier by buyers on the expanses of the trading platform. Aliexpress:
Svetlana K.: "A very high-quality flower pot.
Looks like on the photo of the seller. The goods were packed in a foam and a box of cardboard. The order came very quickly. The seller himself came into touch and said everything. Track - the code was tracked.
Thanks to the seller. Recommend"
Irina F.: "The pot looks better than in the photo.
The quality is very good. All items are accurately made. The pot itself does not smell. It was packaged well, in several layers of films thick and in a cardboard box. The containers themselves are not large, but suitable for different small plants. The seller was very sociable, described in detail the flower pot.
I will order one more. Recommend. Five Stars."
How to order Flower Pots on Ali Extreccc
On the site Aliexpressonly registered users can make orders. If you have not yet passed the registration procedure on this site, you should pass it. It will not take much time, but you will always be aware of all the latest news.
After selecting the flower pot, you can make a purchase on the site. To do this, select the desired color, specify the required number of pieces and check the delivery method. Next, click on the button " Add to Basket«.
After that, go to your basket and thoroughly check all the details of your order. If necessary, you can change the desired and leave a comment to the seller, and then boldly click on the "order from this seller". Then you will open the page on which you will be offered to leave the contact details of the recipient. There you are specifying the name, name and patronymic of the recipient and the address of Latin letters. After that appear pagewhere all possible ways of payment for this product will be indicated. After payment, the seller will start making your purchase and after sending to tell you his track code that will prompt you at any time about the location of your order.
After receiving the flower pot, do not forget to share your impressions about the order and evaluate the work of the store itself and the seller. This will allow the following customers to make the right choice.
Good shopping with the site Aliexpress!
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