From April 2017 Russian users Aliexpressthey got the opportunity to pay for their acquisitions in installments and on credit. Now new payment methods are available only for some categories. catalog TmallBut in the future - the provision of loans and installments to the entire range of online hypermarket. On the conditions for making such purchases on Aliexpresstell me in the article.
- Aliexpress installment and credit, under what conditions can I buy goods?
- Documents for issuing a loan and installments for Aliexpress
- How to get a Credit Card Tinkoff Bank Aliexpress?
- How to pay for the loan and installment on AliExpress?
- How to order goods on credit with Aliexpress - Step-by-step instructions?
- How to order goods by installments with Aliexpress - a step-by-step instruction?
- Pros and cons of shopping with Aliexpress on credit and installments
Aliexpress installment and credit, under what conditions can I buy goods?
Calculations in installments and credit began to thanks to cooperation Aliexpress With Russian online Bank Tinkoff. Today is the only balance service providing loans to users of the Chinese resource. There are no cash offices from Bank Tinkoff - it serves its customers remotely: in the Internet network, in mobile banking and by phone. And it means that the bank's branch will not have to visit the application and repayment of loans.
Buy on aliexpress on credit Only citizens of the Russian Federation at the age of 20-70 years can. Purchase in installments and credit, you can computer and household appliances, as well as some electronic accessories offered in tmall catalogs. The necessary condition for payment on credit: the price of the selected product is not cheaper than 3,000 and no more than 100,000 Russian rubles.
What is the difference of payment Aliexpress on credit from installments? First, in maturity. Calculate with the bank Tinkoff by installments you must for six months, on a loan - within 3-24 months. Secondly, there is a difference in the interest rate. Holding on credit, it is necessary to take into account additional costs in the amount of 29% per annum. For installments, Tinkoff Bank uses a rate of 23.4% per annum. At the same time, by agreement Aliexpressand Tinkoff, interest is not a buyer, but a Chinese resource. That is, the user payment in installments is interest-free.
Make payment on credit or installments on Aliexpressnot difficult. All that will be needed for the first order is to fill in the Tinkoff website an electronic form of application for approval of the credit limit (its size is set for each client individually); wait for the decision of the bank (it will take no more than half an hour); Meet the representative of Tinkoff and sign a contract. With the following purchases, it is not necessary to compile new contracts - a credit confirmation and payment of payment will be automatic.
Documents for issuing a loan and installments for Aliexpress
Information banner Aliexpress I assures: to make payment on credit and installing enough passport. This is partly true. Indeed, when signing the contract, no other documents will not require the representative of Tinkoff.
However, in the electronic application for opening a credit account / card, the Bank will offer you to inform the SNILS code, as well as some additional information on education, place of work, posts, average income, marital status, etc. This data is necessary for the approval of the loan and determination of the limit on your map. In detail how to fill out an application for opening a credit account / credit card in Tinkoff, we will tell you in the next section.
How to get a Credit Card Tinkoff Bank Aliexpress?
C. Aliexpress You can also from credit account you have Tinkoff cards. You do not have to look for in catalogs the goods with the note "Payment in installments", expect the approval of the application, meet with a representative of the bank and sign an agreement. The map decorated at a convenient time for you will deliver the courier of the payment service. Tinkoff Aliexpress card holders can pay on credit any favorite goods, receiving bonus points for purchases. At the same time, the credit rate is about the same as for installments under the contract - from 23.9%.
Order a credit card Tinkoff Aliexpress online just:
1. Go to site Tinkoff Bank. Select the "Private clients" section and the "Map" option.
2. Scroll down the list of cards down and select "Tinkoff Aliexpress" Click "Card Map."
3. The Tinkoff system will load the electronic application form (by the way, it is almost identical to the one that is issued for the loan agreement). Competently fill the required form fields: name, e-mail address, cell phone number. Check the accuracy of this data, then click "Next".
4. In the next part of the application, specify: number / passport series, date of its receipt, division code that issued a document. Here, inform the place and date of birth. To continue, click "Next".
5. Enter detailed address details. It is convenient to use drop-down lists and interactive tips. Check, click "Next".
6. Answer the Tinkoff Bank's system, by whom and where you work (enter the full address of the enterprise / organization), what is your work experience, qualifications, etc. Here, specify the work phone. To continue the application of the application, click "Next".
7. Report your average income, the presence of outstanding loans, etc. If you rent housing, answer how much you pay for it monthly. We recommend answering the most truthfully. Information is easy to check, and the bank will certainly do it to avoid risks. You can become a decisive criterion for approving the application and the size of the credit limit.
Finally, specify the SNILS code, then click "Proceed". Expect Tinkoff Approval by the Limit Bank on your application. You can learn about the status of an application for a credit card on the website of the Internet Bank by entering a personal mobile number used in the questionnaire and clicking "Send SMS".
How to pay for the loan and installment on AliExpress?
When concluding a loan agreement / installments on Aliexpress For you, the debt repayment schedule will be drawn up, the amount of payments and their number is determined. This data bank expects for each client's credit application personally. Monthly, not later than a specific Tinkoff date, it is necessary to make one payment on the account of the credit card issued to you, right up to full calculation. When performing all conditions, the loan agreement will be closed automatically. Perhaps early repayment of debt.
About the approach of the day of payment on the loan or by installments, the Tinkoff Bank System will notify you by e-mail and SMS. You can pay for translation from the map of another payment service, through the cash registers and terminals of the cabins of cellular operators and other ways convenient for you.
How to order goods on credit with Aliexpress - Step-by-step instructions?
Step 1. B. catalog Tmall. Select the goods you are interested in. For example, the planetary mixer Kitfort. Make sure you pay for this purchase on credit. In the description of the lot should be such an icon: . Place an order in the usual way. In the "Delivery" line, point out the "Russia" (payment on credit is available only for goods delivered from the Russian warehouses of partner companies Aliexpress). To continue, click "Buy Now."
Step 2. In the list of delivery addresses, select the desired or, if required, fill out the electronic form with new address data.
Step 3. Scroll down the Down tab, view the electronic order form and payment account.
Step 4. Scroll down the page even below. In the column "Payment Methods", mark "on credit". To submit an online application in Tinkoff Bank Press "Confirm and Pay".
Step 5. Tell the Bank's Personal Mobile Number. Confirm it with the code received in SMS. Fill out the order "Order on Aliexpress».
Expect to pay for your purchase. The payment will be held by Tinkoff Bank after signing the contract.
How to order goods by installments with Aliexpress - a step-by-step instruction?
Step 1. B. catalog Tmall. Select the item of interest. For clarity "order" in installments, Samsung smartphone. Make sure to pay the purchase in installments is possible. In the description of the lot must be an icon: . We place an order in the usual way. In the "Delivery" line, we point out "Russia" (installments on Aliexpress It is available exclusively for goods delivered from partner warehouses in the Russian Federation). To continue clicking "Buy Now."
Step 2. Fill, check and confirm the address form or select the appropriate address in the list of saved system.
Step 3. Scroll the tab below. If the order is issued correctly, we turn to installment payments - click "Confirm and pay."
Step 4. Click "On Credit" in the list of possible options for payment of the order. Then click "Continue". In the additional tab, select "installments" \u003d\u003e "Continue" to redirect Tinkoff to the Internet Bank.
Step 6. On the Tinkoff website, let's report a mobile phone number, click "Get the Code". We will enter the code that the bank will send to SMS into the corresponding field. Fill out an online application for payment made by Aliexpressorder in installments.
After approving installments and signing the contract, your purchase will be paid.
Pros and cons of shopping with Aliexpress on credit and installments
Advantages of payment Aliexpress on credit and installments:
- if you do not have enough funds to acquire the goods you like, you do not need to save money or look for a budget model;
- when making a credit application in Tinkoff, you do not spend time to visit the bank - the form is filled online;
- get a loan approval / installments for orders Aliexpress You can only half an hour;
- if you wish, you can repay the loan ahead of schedule or reform the payment schedule;
- most TINKOFF partner services are credit payments for Aliexpresswithout commission.
Disadvantages of payment Aliexpress in installments and credit:
- payment in installments and credit is available only for selected categories of goods in the Mall catalogs;
- choosing lots for which you can pay these ways to Aliexpresswhile small;
- if the amount of payment is less than 3000 rubles, installments and credit on the Chinese resource are not available;
- with a long installment, the cost of goods increases significantly due to credit rates;
- if you are not sure about the stability of income, there is a risk of overdue payments and "miring" in fines.
We wish you a good shopping on Aliexpress!
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