Daily users Aliexpressthousands of people become worldwide. This popular area implements almost all products. Buyers attracts their large variety and low cost. With mass purchases, sellers make discounts and gifts, which is even more pleasant for customers. Loved for this site Aliexpressand buyers from Russia. Rarely which person did not order the goods from this online store. Only not everyone is committing a purchase. Someone asks for their friends, neighbors, colleagues, because they do not know how to register on Aliexpressand fill out all the necessary fields. Make it is not so hard. A detailed registration process with step-by-step photos will be presented below.
Aliexpress Russia
Aliexpressit has long been "authorized" in Russia. If for Russians before the site was only in English, now he has a Russian-language version with the prefix "RU" - ru.aliexpress.com.There are similar sites for France, Germany, America and other countries of the world.
It is noteworthy that the language for communication with the seller remains still English. If you want to ask something from the supplier about the purchase, open a dispute, ask for a discount, then you will have to write everything in English. Russian characters can simply not walk, instead of them the seller will see doodles in the form of squares and chopsticks. All forms at registration are filled in Russian, but Latin letters (translite). Further change and addition is made similar symbols.
By the way, for Russian buyers Aliexpressnow delivers goods much faster. This large company has warehouses along the borders of Russia, for example, in Finland. There is also a point of shipment of goods and on the territory of the Russian Federation. Located the first, and, while the only warehouse, in Moscow.
When ordering your product, pay attention to where the purchase comes from. If there is a line with the point of sending "Russia", then boldly choose it. After all, the choice of the nearest warehouse will reduce shipping time. In the line with information about the time of sending goods, sellers promise to deliver it to the addressee from 2 to 10 days. In addition, when choosing a Russian point of shipment, consider that now you can order goods to a much greater amount and more than more. The ordered goods have already passed all processing procedures at customs and all duties are paid for him.
How to register for aliexpress
Register by Aliexpressyou can immediately in several ways:
- from the phone through the site Aliexpress;
- from the tablet through the site Aliexpress;
- using a laptop through the site Aliexpress;
- from a desktop computer on the main page Aliexpress;
- through a TV with internet access on the main page Aliexpress;
- through a mobile application Aliexpress.
As you can see, there are a lot of registration methods. For those who are registered on the site for the first time, naturally, it is better to choose the filling of all forms through a desktop PC, a tablet or laptop. So it will be clearer to you that click and how to fill the lines.
Registration for Aliexpress in Russian
Registration by Aliexpressconsists of several stages:
- Creating a login and password;
- Confirmation of registration by email;
- Fill form with delivery address.
creating a login and password
To start registration, you need to click a button with the same name, which is located in the upper right corner of the Registration site.
You will open a new window form with a variety of rows. Here you will need to fill all the fields, specify your email, specify your name (only coincidence with real). Then you need to come up with a password and enter a captcha (picture with symbols). After that, press "Create your profile."
If you do not have e-mail, you can do it on any mail site (Google, Mail, Yandex and others). Without mail registration you will not work.
confirmation of registration via email
After you have chosen to "create your profile", an email will be sent to you. It will need to confirm its registration. It looks like this:
Now you are almost a full user Aliexpress. To do this, you need to enter your data (login and password) in the form on the main page of the site and click the "Login" button.
how to fill out the address for Ali Spress?
You need to take another step to fully implement orders - fill in the address delivery field. This is done like this: go to the menu "My Aliexpress«.
Now that you are in the section "My Aliexpress"You must first go to the" Delivery Addresses "field.
In this tab, you will need to fill the lines in line with your data. If you specify non-existent information, you will not give the parcel. So, in the first field you need to specify your surname, the name and necessarily patronymic. Write in Russian, but Latin letters (translite). In the second line, select the country in the drop-down list. Next, specify the name of the street, house number, apartment number. At this address you will deliver purchased goods on Aliexpress. Specify the address that you can really receive mail or where the courier will be able to find you.
In the next line, specify the city. Then write the index and phone. Choose which number you will indicate: urban or mobile. First of all, specify the code of Russia for Aliexpress. If you specify the home phone number, your code will start with "7". Next, you will need to specify the city code (for each region it is yours). Then enter the number of the stationary phone. If you specify a cell phone, then in front of the code "7" put "+". For example, + 7 920 544 22 33.
Aliexpress shipping address in Crimea
Chinese suppliers often arise confusion to send goods to the Crimea. All users who indicate their address with the name of the Republic of Crimea and the index of another Ukrainian side are blocked. Moreover, for suppliers it does not matter, old you user or new.
In this case, you need to make a new account. To do this, you need to know a few secrets: postal services work with the index, that is, they are not important to the region, the area. They sort letters, parcels, parcels exactly by index. And the Chinese as the basic information take the country, the area. Thus, fill in all fields in full compliance with your address: Country, City, Street, except one field. A string where you need to specify the edge or, in your case, a republic, replace the nearest area. For example, Krasnodar region. Index Fill out not in five-digit format, as it was before, and with the prefix ahead of the number "2" (the six-digit index will be obtained). More detailed list of indexes can be viewed. here. Your address will look like this:
Save data. Now all your parcels will come on them, and no one will block the profile.
Is it possible to change your data on Aliexpress?
Suppose you have changed the place of residence. We moved for the summer to the grandmother or in another area. In this regard, Aliexpressyou can edit the data that you entered during registration:
- Name, surname, patronymic;
- Address;
- Phone number;
- Login and password;
- Email.
change address, name, phone
To change the address, phone number, or name numbers, go to the "My Aliexpress"-" Delivery Addresses ".
Select the "Edit" key at the bottom. It will change the name of the name, the address, the phone to the necessary. In order to change the changes, click "Save".
There is another way thanks to which you can change the address. Add one more. There you can also specify the name with the human phone that can receive the parcel instead of you (if necessary). The ADD A NEW ADRESS Orange key will open a new field to fill targeted data. After you finish entering information, select "Save". Now you will have the opportunity to choose between your two addresses. To do this, set the checkbox in the desired place to receive the parcel.
change login, password and email
Change the profile password, login and email can be immediately in one section. Go to "My Aliexpress". Next, select "Password Change".
Here you will open a window in which several lines. The name of each of them corresponds to the content. Choose the one in which you need to make a change. After making new information, save the data.
On this instruction for registering and making changes to the personal account data is completed. Be careful in specifying the data, fill out all the necessary lines and check the error information. As consolidating the information received, you can see the video on how to register on Aliexpress.
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Good article. No indication how to replace payment card data to other data