Riding on scooters, mopedand motorcycles delivers the sea pleasure. Feeling speed, air resistance from gradual acceleration of movement - all this creates indispensable and unforgettable impressions.
Chinese mopeds and scooters They differ relative cheap, in comparison with more powerful motorcycles. The scooter has a smaller engine and, accordingly, is able to develop a small speed of movement, which allows them to use them for a more comfortable crossing, mainly within the city.
Mopeds, like any other technique, requires constant repair, as a result of use in various conditions. In this situation and think about acquiring cheaper spare partsfor Chinese mopeds whose quality will not give up the most famous brand. After all, each acquired part saves a significant amount.
Catalog of types of spare parts for Chinese mopeds and scooters for Aliexpress
The most famous marketplace of the world " Aliexpress"Provides the opportunity to purchase spare parts Chinese scooters and mopeds at minimal prices. At the same time, it is possible to choose such details that, with minor costs, will give a huge result.
When choosing B. catalogspare parts should be paid to many factors, including the seller's rating, its value, as well as the number of positive feedback. Since all these factors directly affect the choice.
Spare parts catalog has many groups of goods that can be ordered under their brand and moped model. Protective gear for mopeds, ramaAdditional lighting, spare parts for brake system and engine, parts systems exhaust and fuel - This is a small list of what everyone who wants can pick up.
If you decide to modernize your two-wheeled vehicle, then you should think about installing new wheels and discs and replacement czechs on the seat and on himself moped. In case of failure of parts of the chassis of the Chinese scooter, you should pay attention to various gearswhich over time is quite wear out.
When carrying out maintenance, it is necessary first to replace all filters, including in ignition system moped. And the largest category are all sorts of additional accessoriesthat you can choose your taste.
spare parts for Chinese mopeds
Chinese mopeds are becoming more popular every year, they begin to occupy the championship among two-wheeled mechanical transport. In any modern city, you can see them daily, because within the city this is a very convenient type of transport, which in addition to its big pavement is also very economical. What is at the present time when the prices for fuel grow as on yeast, has become an important indicator.
Motor- The heart of the moped. From its normal operation, much depends, including its performance, sufficient capacity, efficiency. To enginethe scooter was really economical, it should be kept in good condition and conduct constant maintenance - change filter, engine oil, possibly replace engine valve, or other parts of it.
Construction of anyone engine Internal combustion provides for the use of several types filtersEach of which performs its tasks directly. In catalog Aliexpress can be purchased air filterwhich serves to clean the air entering the carburetor for further passage of the engine as a fuel and air mixture.
Spare air filter Let us save you from increased fuel consumption and "lethargy" when speeding.
No less important is fuel filterwhich stops the dip in the carburetor and the engine itself. Temporary replacement Fuel filter leads to an increase in the normal operation of the engine, and the most Chinese moped in general.
spare parts for Chinese scooters
Chinese scooters are originally designed for poor quality of roads, therefore, sometimes there is a need to replace individual nodes. chassis this mode of transport. In the event of a breakdown every owner of a Chinese scooter goes in search of cheaper and high-quality parts. It is the Chinese marketplace Aliexpressi was able to combine these two concepts - the price and quality, and to make this relationship the best.
Constant use of the moped on our roads leads to the fact that from time to time fail parts of automobile design, including undercarriage. Despite the fact that the Chinese moped design much easier the same car, but the service should take place at the appropriate level.
Those roads have effect both on the chassis and on braking system. Sudden jerks and braking wheels falling into pits or bumps - factors influencing the many factors that affect the correct and reliable operation.
parts for mopeds
During a constant drive tiresmopeds become useless, so it becomes necessary to replace them. in addition to the rubberthere is a need to be replaced cDsand the air chamber.
of these parts can be easily detected if desired catalog of parts for mopeds at Aliekspress. Despite the small variety, in comparison with other categories of spare parts, are offered the most popular sizes of disks and tiresmopeds.
Of the box provided for the use of relatively simple backlightThat it is desirable to replace and complement the more advanced models. Such a view lightingwill not only be brighter signal a change in the direction of your movement, but also well cover the space in front of the moped at a decent distance. This will allow a better response to any possible obstacle when driving in the dark.
Spare parts as important as the choice of the moped, because of their quality will depend on longer operation without additional investments in the repair service.
plastic on a scooter
plastic constructions each scooter has a large selection of different parts of the Chinese scooter.
Since most of the fairingsmanufacturer made of plastic, thus resulting in falls and car accidents, they may be subject to physical damage. In the case where repair of the plastic parts are not subject to, they must be replaced.
Catalog Aliexpressit provides an opportunity to buy both cheap and expensive options plastic fairings. The best option of the plastic will cost $ 465. this quality ABS-plastic Yellow will serve for a long time.
In the event that it is necessary to replace individual parts of plastic structures, you can choose a more optimal option and order, for example, separately front wing. Such spare partit will cost the buyer only $ 28, which will significantly save the cost of purchase.
Additional trunkit will be the best purchase for long-distance travel lovers. This is a peculiar type of tourism and recreation, thanks to which for minor means, anyone can go away from the city and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Plastic for mopeds is a wide selection of spare parts that will allow you to update your moped maximum.
irbis spare parts
The mopeds of the Chinese manufacturer of IRBIS are represented by a two-wheeled type of transport, equipped with a low-power 4-stroke engine, with an engine capacity from 50 to 110 hp. Such mopeds are equipped with small gas tanks, with a volume of about 8 liters. This volume is enough to drive about 200 km without refueling.
Spare parts catalog for IRBIS mopeds on Aliexpressincludes a large range. The highest popularity is used, which includes upgraded carburetorwith the already configured power of the jet of injection, as well as the throttle. The cost of this setit is only $ 50. By acquiring hisEach buyer receives not only more powerful engine operation, but also greater efficiency of fuel consumption.
If you are interested in replacing the front headlight of the moped Irbis, then there is an opportunity to purchase it here. The original headlights from Irbis TTR250 will cost only $ 28, which is significantly cheaper than this spare parts purchased at local stores.
tuning Spare Parts Moped and Scooter
Which of the owners of the Chinese moped, or the scooter did not dreamed about making their two-wheeled "friend" much more attractive and prettier. After all, it is much more pleasant to ride that attracts attention. Driving through the streets of the day, or night city to meet the views of admiring and surprised passers-by and other participants in the movement.
Improving the external characteristics of any moped, scooter, or car called tuning. At this time, it is particularly paid to him by this refinement and alteration of all sorts of types of transport.
However, in addition to external tuning, there is both upgrades of individual elements. For example, installed modified shock absorberswith manual pressure swap, allow you to independently adjust the softness of the scooter and moped. So with such self-adjustment, it will be convenient to adjust your two-wheeled vehicles for driving along various surfaces - movement along the asphalt road, or in rough terrain requires various softness suspension. This will allow not only to save fuel, but reduce fatigue and load on the body while driving and make it more comfortable.
To tuning opticscan be replaced by standard farand lamps on more powerful modifications, allowing to illuminate greater space in front of the car. On modern cars and motorcycles used xenon lightCreated to give exactly this effect.
It looks implicitly setting design details with a chrome surface - side legs, air intakes, lining on silencersetc.
scooter stickers and moped
Stickersthe scooter is the easiest way to transform your transport by adding some originality and uniqueness into it. Positive moment stickersthe fact that there are a large number of species and sizes that can be attached to various places. If she bones you, it will not be much difficult to replace it.
To make a stylish scooter, or moped, you can stick to the side of the plastic facing stickervarious global brands and firms. This design will add scooters sports style and greater attractiveness. In just 2 $ you can order a sheet with more than two dozen stickersdifferent sports brands and spare parts manufacturers.
And the most popular today has become carbon stickerswhich covers all visible plastic parts of the moped and scooter, which betrays more elegance of transport.
Customer Reviews Price-Quality
D *** L M.Stickers came for days 20. There is no good packaging, there are no complaints about the seller, the only thing did not like that the stickers are white background, in the picture I thought that on a transparent film inscriptions were painted. And so only suitable for the white base of sticking, if glued to the colored base, it looks bad, it looks like cheap stickers with Zhwamk. And so the quality is good, to whom the background is not fundamentally, then I advise the stickers, the seller has no one for a single one ...
Alexandr I. Gorgeous thing. Execution, well, very high quality. Complete two types of fastening. On a flat surface at the expense of bilateral tape, and on the steering wheel. There is a 10 amp fuse. And also with mini-gland inputs. And what was pleased, in the kit there goes a special jack on a USB outlet. For driving with a connected device right in the rain. For example, with Sony Xperia Z2 :-). I recommend everyone's car in motores, the product is :-) Seller handsome, well done.
A *** N S.Excellent quality and equipment. It was pleasantly surprised that in the package. Even with the instructions on the back. Do not creak anything, does not leave. Set of sealing rings under different steering wheel. Delivered quickly, for three weeks. Actually, everyone is satisfied.
How to order spare parts for a scooter to Aliexpress
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