Bearings on Aliexpress

Most of the metal structures in which there are rotating elements are equipped with a special detail - bearing. Bearing- This is part of a structure consisting of several rotating elements that are enclosed in a separate node. Wherein bearingsupports shaft, or axis in any mobile design. At the same time deviceprovides rotation, combustion, or move along a certain axis. Each of us at least once in life became roller skates. Thanks to bearingwhich is installed inside the wheel, they rotate. Any failure of such an element of the system will result in certain difficulties.

Catalog of types of bearings on Aliexpress

On the application of all bearingshave a huge list of areas where they can apply. In accordance with this, you can also distinguish their huge variety.

Catalog Aliexpress To date, there are over 60 thousand all kinds of bearingswhich can be purchased at the world-famous trading platform. All these species bearingscan be divided into the following types:

Some of these types are so extensive and combine a significant number of different types that the following subspecies were allocated for them. In particular, ball bearingshave several additional types:

All bearings can be purchased without any problems, while moving from the main page of the trading platform Aliexpress In "all sections", where to find " Industry and business". In this section, select " Mechanical parts and manufacture". After that, in the opened window in the parameter column, you must select " Bearings«.

radial bearing

Radial view represents bearingslip, which is a support, or a guide part of any mechanism or separate assemblies of the car unit. In such a video bearingsslide occurs several surfaces that are interconnected.

If we take into account the design features of radial bearingslip, this type is a housing in which there are various cylindrical holes with the same diameter. Sleeves are inserted into these holes, or special liners that allow two elements to slide and scroll relative to each other. In turn, these bushings are processed by a special lubricant material, which reduces friction force and increases the sliding moment.

These lubricants are filled with space between the sleeve and the shaft itself bearingthat allows you to freely rotate this detail. Lubrication - Important part of the design bearingwhich not only allows you to better slide with separate parts of the part, but also reduces friction force, which contributes to minimizing wear itself bearing. In addition to these features, lubricant bearing Allows you to protect the inner part of the design part of the negative environmental impact.

radial-stubborn bearings

In the Aliexpress catalog You can find over 5000 only radial BearingsWhat is a significant indicator.

Radial-stubborn bearing - An important element of the design, which serves for better work, where there are significant radial and axial loads. The feature of the design is that in such bearingsthe angle of the contact is changed between the plane of the ball center, the line that passes through them and the points of contact with the track.

Such bearingsallow you to regulate the need to increase any load - axial, or radial. In this case, an increase in one component will reduce the other component. Such bearingsmost often are two-row, while creating a certain angle of the inner surface.

Slip speed and necessary efforts, radially resistant bearingsthey do not differ from ordinary radial.

The only disadvantage is that the type of bearings is recommended to use minimal pressure, especially the high speeds. Because at considerable speeds and elevated pressure, the balls may occur bearingon rolling track.

The most popular view radial-stubborn bearings It will cost the future owner of only $ 3.

linear bearings

Linear bearings - One of the simplest types of such a design element that is capable of working, providing minimal friction. This allows you to achieve more economical operation of individual parts of the mechanism, since reduced friction can significantly increase the life of these parts.

A specially designed ball return system will ensure uniform translational movement with minimal resistance. Special linear popularity bearingsthey gained in mechanical engineering and also medical and electronic technology. Similar linear guides are gradually gaining increasingly popularity.

The main advantages of linear bearingsit is the high accuracy and rigidity of linear guides, as well as the maximum smoothness of the movement. In this case, such linear guides and bearingseasy to be installed, and their life, with significant linear loads, significantly exceeds other types. bearings.

hub bear

The most wide range of applications hub bear is the automotive industry. Hub bear It is an integral and important part of the car, with which the wheel is attached to the hub and a swivel fist. In addition, the main task is to hold the entire weight of the car.

All world manufacturers hub bearings Paying considerable attention to the production of these items, since it is responsible for the safety of the vehicle and confidence during the ride. Average hub bearings Could be operated for about 120,000 km, however, this figure can differ significantly, depending on various factors and operating conditions.

Hub bear The wheels consist of several elements, among which there are two rings made of high-strength material, rolling and separator bodies.

support Bearing

Such a view bearingsAs supported, it is also customary to use in cars. This item is installed in the depreciation racks of the car and is one of the types bearingsrolling. They achieved their popularity at the expense of special versatility, as well as specifications, thanks to which such bearingscould be operated by a significant period.

Support Bearing It is able to withstand all sorts of loads both axis and radial. It takes direct participation in car depreciation and reduce the suspension strikes.

A distinctive feature of this bearingit is a thicker external ring. And in the role of the rolling body, cylindrical rollers are used, placed perpendicular to each other. This allows you to withstand bearingvarious load combinations.

released Bearing

Like many other elements of the car design, the clutch also plays one of the most important roles, because thanks to him, it is possible to switch to elevated or reduced transmissions while driving.

Thanks to released bearingWhen the brake pedal is pressed on the brake pedal on the clutch basket and the host hub. Since the clutch must smoothly disconnect the drive of the car engine from the transmission, then work released Bearing Must regularly. Otherwise, switching gear and output from the engagement will be more rigid, which will subsequently will have a negative impact on individual elements of the system.

Therefore, that the normal operation of moving parts of the design occurred, the details must interact with each other properly. In the case of the slightest breakdown, the details must be replaced on time.

bearing conditioner

Bearing conditioner - The most susceptible to wear the element of the air conditioning system, since it works constantly when the engine is started. Therefore, the failure of such bearingmaybe even in winter, and the sign of this will be the appearance of excess noise under the hood.

With strong wear bearing conditioner The sound becomes much more definition that will cut the rumor.

Air conditioner pulley bearing It is a closed type, which does not allow it to serve it. Represents double row bearingIn which over time, the lubricant begins to thick, the balls begin to rotate slower and gradually heat from the force of friction, which leads to the conclusion itself.

Hors de combat bearing conditioner It can lead to a complete breakage of the air conditioner compressor, as well as to wear a belt. The cost of the new bearingin catalog Aliexpresswill be a little more than $ 8, which is significantly less than possible consequences, in case of late replacement.

Customer Reviews Price-Quality

A *** Y K.Bearingsso-so, there is a small backlash, but therefore cost quite a little. I realized that it was better to go to some store technology and look something similar to something. However, with a thorough search, you can find pretty high-quality bearing. Remember that in this case it is better to buy more expensive, but high-quality options, because it is not always possible to save.

Aleksey M. Good budget bearings. I took for the rollers, quite Catabelno. Bearingssimilar to budget NIS, which can be bought in Rollermagas. Lufts after the first trips do not increase, do not begin to grow. Satisfied. 2RS dirt protection is better than ZZ, but not absolute, and it will not protect from the water. But they can be lubricated without removing the wheels from the clips, a little and carefully opening bearingshell, and dripping inside the oil with a syringe, which greatly facilitates life and user, and bearings.

C *** D C. Very good bearing. There is a slight backlash, lubricants inside enough, but you can also fill, conveniently serving. For such a price, the find, and even fast delivery with a track.

How to order an Bearing on Aliexpress

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